Are You Missing Acne Org’s Home Acne Remedy Tips?

Article by Michael Mansfield

The search for home remedies for acne is probably best directed towards the biggest acne site on the web –

There is a massive forum of users on the website and obviously there is a lot of feedback from acne sufferers and others. Our own site ( focuses on natural acne remedies and so we were particularly interested to know what the community felt about home remedies for acne.

We wanted to get some idea of the ‘top list’ from of acne home remedies.

We took a look and here are their top suggestions. (Note: We don’t necessarily recommend any of these and would say you need to take care to research each of them properly using the best advice you can get).

The most commented upon home remedy for acne was the baking soda mask, which is certainly very popular (although we sound a note of caution regarding its ability to be harsh on many skin types). However there were a large number of comments (over 700) and it is a remedy we recommend if properly used.

The second most popular was the toothpaste mask. Same comment: “I use it over night and wash it off in the morning. It DOES lessen my acne. Makes my skin is a little dry, duh. Overall I think it works, and you might want to give it a try; you have nothing to lose. 🙂 USE PASTE ONLY! Whitening is what i use, and i don’t know if that makes a difference.”

Number 2 was the toothpaste mask. Now this too, like baking soda, can be a rather abrasive treatment means, so you need to take care with its preparation.

“I would only recommend using toothpaste when you have one of those large zits, not simple blackheads or whiteheads. I don’t think it will help people who suffer from acne.”

Next up was tea tree oil, with a sample comment: “Well, I was on BP for about a year, then found some distrubing things about long-term use of BP. I tried other natural product, but just broke out worse. Then, I found out that BP makes your acne more resistant. I then started using tea tree oil (undiluted) and my acne is slowly fading, Had some whiteheads come up, but left them alone and they are gone! I have combo skin, so it dries out the normal parts of my face a bit, so I use an oil-fre moisturizer. Once my acne is competely cleared up, I will dilute the oil and just use the 100% for spot treatment.”

There are a variety of home acne remediest that you can see on and elsewhere, including our natural acne reviews and resources site at Check them out to find the best, natural acne skincare treatment that suits you.

About the Author

Amanda Player is a long-time acne sufferer who contributes regularly to the acne article and resources website AcneSkincareReviewswhich you should check for updated offers and reviews of home acne remedies.

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