Get Rid Of Zits Overnight With Anti-Acne Recipes Good Enough To Consume….

Article by Nuruzzaman Mohammed

Get rid of zits overnight – how? Well, first of all – let me tell you there’s nothing out there that’ll wipe them out with a single fell swoop. But the process of eradicating these monstrosities from the beautiful canvas that is your face doesn’t have to be an endless, painful process. It doesn’t have to empty your wallet with useless sky-high priced products that don’t work, formulas so chemical-laden – they strip your face of every last bit of smoothness and vitality it held right up to that moment.

I mean, think about it – are you so desperate to cure your acne, you’d allow these products, with all their caustic chemicals, to:

1. Strip your face of all its moisture – and predispose to the formation of premature wrinkles and fine lines?

2. Suck out all your skin’s natural oils to such an extent, that your skin fights back by doubling its sebum production – giving rise to blocked and enlarged pores, and even more acne?

3. Produce adverse allergic reactions?

Obviously not. What you want is a natural solution that will work consistently, building upon the results until you finally reach your goal of smooth, clear skin. How? Don’t fret – here are some recipes that will hydrate your skin to the core, won’t wreak havoc on your face, cost little to nothing, and are, literally, good enough to eat (or drink)….

1. Warm milk, with a pinch of ground nutmeg, are a time-tested remedy for a good night’s sleep. But did you know this duo is great for your skin, too? Mix together some ground nutmeg and milk, apply to the affected parts, leave on overnight, then wash off. Continue for as long as necessary.

The result: The pimples will slowly disappear without leaving a mark. The natural acids in milk give your face a bright glow.

2. Yoghurt and honey – a classic combo. Delicious, nutritious. Add some oatmeal to the smooth mixture – and you’ve made yourself a superbly skin-quenching face mask (thanks to the yoghurt and honey) that gently exfoliates your skin at the same time (courtesy of the oatmeal), while fighting blemishes.

The result: A deeply-hydrated, fresh, glowing complexion.

3. Honey and cinnamon, mmmm……but as you let this sweet concoction soak into your taste buds, you’re also doing your body a serious favor. Extensive research has proven that this potent combo can help heal a myriad of internal ailments (like digestive problems;), can be used to reduce hair fall, and (wait for it…)…with a little bit of ground nutmeg (optional, but recommended) – can be used as a daily, 30-minute face mask that will make your acne-prone skin really happy.

The result: A gradual, but distinct clearing of all blemishes that plague your face. The honey, in particular, has proven anti-bacterial properties that really make this work.

4. Almond milk is a popular drink in the east, and it’s really good for kids and adults alike. You could either grind a couple of nuts and add it to milk, or simply stir 1/3-1/2 a teaspoon of….[To get the entire list of these great acne-busting recipes (and find the one that suits you best!), as well as tons of other useful tips and tricks to getting that clear, zit-free look you deserve, go to:]

About the Author

Hi…I’m Nuruzzaman Mohammed. Fact: Everything you’ve been led to believe about acne throughout the years is actually completely FALSE; it’s why you’ve been unsuccessful at curing your acne until now. To separate fact from fiction, and learn the TRUTH about acne – its origins and solutions – go to

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