A Simple Acne Remedy That Works

Article by Alexandru Matei

What causes acne? Most of the time acne is caused by a bad diet, stress, unclean skin and hormonal imbalances. For centuries people used natural acne remedies to treat this unwanted skin condition as safely as possible. Check around your house! You’ll find many safe and cheap acne remedies. Continue reading to find out more about some of these homemade treatments.

An easy acne remedy that works is the oatmeal mixed with water. Apply it as a face-mask for 15 minutes and wash it off with warm water and soap. It has antibacterial properties and will soften your skin, removing any accumulated dirt in the process. Below I’ll tell you about some more easy to use natural acne remedies.

– Get the juice out of a cucumber and apply it to your pimples using a cotton ball.

– Mix some avocado with water and wash your face with the resulting paste.

– After washing your face with acne soap apply a few drops of lemon water juice on your zits.

– Make a habit of applying small quantities of vinegar on your acne infected areas. This works best as a homemade acne remedy.

– Right before sleeping, apply some toothpaste on the acne scars. Just small quantities as excessive toothpaste will dry your skin and clog your pores and will do more evil than good.

– Lavender is good against acne inflammation.

– Last but not least, the king of nutrients – the garlic. Rub some garlic cloves on and around the acne areas and let it sit overnight to work its magic.

If you suffer of severe acne then go consult a professional medic or dermatologist immediately. Discuss with him about the best natural remedies for curing acne and decide on the course of action you’re willing to take.


Remember, to cure acne you must target the root cause: stress, bad diet, hormonal. Natural acne remedy will just treat the pimples and zits popping on your face, it won’t cure acne forever!

About the Author

You can always use a natural acne cure to clear you skin.

Natural treatments have been proven to be a lot more effective to cure acne. Besides, they are relatively cheap and readily available and the risk of side effects are very minimal.

To get a complete list of guides on how to cure acne then go visit our website now ==> http://www.Cure-Acne-Treatments.info

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