Natural Acne Remedies- The 3 Things You Should Avoid During an Acne Flare-Up

Article by Mandy M.

Do natural acne remedies really work? I once asked myself the same question and the answer is yes. There is a way to effectively treat your acne naturally and holistically. The biggest obstacle for most people is the follow through. It is actually quite simple. It might not be easy, but the process itself is simple.

There are things that you do that are damaging to your body, and consequently to your skin. You probably don’t realize that the things you do on a daily basis, or almost as often, are causing your acne condition to become irritated and aggravated. Overtime, your skin’s natural protective capacities break down, slowing its healing process, and worsening your acne. Below are some tips for natural acne remedies to implement that will reduce aggravation and irritation, as well as prevent new acne formation.

3 Things You Should NEVER Do with Home Remedies for Acne:

Use More Than 1 Razorblade for Shaving- This applies especially if you’re in the middle of a flare up. Due to the fact that razorblades with multiple razors actually do shave closer to the skin, it’s best to stick with a single blade, particularly if you have large bumps and already irritated cysts. Using multiple blades will increase the irritation and will further injure your skin.

Pick, Pop, or Squeeze Your Skin-You should NEVER touch your blemishes. It doesn’t matter where you are in the process with your acne, even if it’s “ripe,” and seems safe. The best way to take care of your acne is by having a professional remove it for you. Otherwise, if you do it yourself, you’ll only make it worse and push the puss deeper and make it spread wider in your skin. Not only that, but when you start messing with your skin, you’re only increasing your risk of scarring it.

Use Topical Steroids-Long-term use of topical agents containing cortisone can thin out your skin and worsen your acne overall. They also have side effects including increasing irritation and redness. While it is true that topical steroid agents treat the symptoms of acne, they are for temporary relief versus treating the foundation of the problem. As you can see, these are everyday things that people do that have an effect on their acne. Doing any or all of the above, will only damage your skin more, make your breakout last longer, and trouble you for longer than it would normally do. Visit Natural Acne Solutions for more details on natural acne remedies. You can also go to for more information on the best home remedies for acne.

About the Author

Finding the best acne spot treatment is a tricky task. Too many products claim to have a quick fix that will cure your acne overnight. The truth is, it will take some time and effort, but the best part is it will change your life forever! Learn more about best home remedies for acne and start your journey to achieve your acne-free life today!

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