Acne Home Remedies: 5 Natural Acne Remedies That Work

Article by Dr Meg

If you want to banish acne, start by following these 5 natural acne remedies and you will be rewarded with a clearer complexion.

Remedy 1: Eat Healthy

Home remedies for acne start with what you put in your mouth. If you live on a diet high in fast foods, especially sugar, you are simply asking for zits!

Go for whole foods, and avoid high sugar hits like soft drinks. And ensure you are getting plenty of Vitamin C by eating foods that are rich in it such as citrus fruits, spinach and broccoli. Vitamin C is the building block for the skin’s elastin as well as being important for it to function and heal itself properly.

Remedy 2: Drink Plenty of Water

Every day wastes accumulate in your body as a result of the metabolism of the things you eat and drink. You need to take eight to ten glasses of water a day to flush these toxins out of your body and keep you skin fresh and well-hydrated.

Remedy 3: Wash with a Sorbitol or Glycerin Based Product.

If you use ordinary washes or soaps to cleanse your skin you may leave it overly dry and irritated. Glycerin or sorbitol based soaps are preferable as they cleanse gently and balance skin pH, detering the growth of bacteria.

Remedy 4: Exfoliate.

Exfoliating your skin finishes off your skin routine of washing, toning and moisturizing, It removes dry skin built up on the skin surface that can block pores, precipitate breakouts, and even cause wrinkles. There are a few good ways to do this:

* Beta and alpha hydroxy acids. These mild fruit acids are widely available over the counter and gently peel off outer skin layers.* Dermabrasion. This process is simply physically buffing off the skin’s outer layers.

* Peels. The best peel is the Glycolic Acid Peel – a stronger version of the alpha hydroxyl fruit acid. It uncovers fresh new skin by peeling away the outer layers. And unlike other products it is gentle, and wont burn or damage your skin, being made from natural acne remedies.

You should see obvious improvement after just 3 treatments, including reduction of acne scars and wrinkles.

Remedy 5: Protect Your Skin from Sun and Wind

Sun or wind damage can exacerbate your acne. A good sunblock will help to protect it if you must be out in the elements. For oily or combination skin types use a sunblock that is oil-free. For normal or dry skin the best is a moisturizer-sunblock combination.

Go for preparations that don’t block your pores (are non-comedogenic) such as many Neutrogena products.

Following these 5 basic acne home remedies will reward you with better looking and healthier skin. But if you are serious about ridding yourself of acne, particularly if you want fast results, they are really just the beginning of your skin education.

About the Author

Dr Meg is has a PhD in medical science and writes about holistic health issues. To go further on your journey of banishing acne from your life visit

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