How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Article by Marion Catubig

People with oily skin dread getting acne. Those little blackheads and/ or pimples can ruin your day, or, if they persist, your week. Therefore many people go through many pains and procedures to solve the problem of how to get rid of acne and preventing it from recurring. However, many a time, as acne treatment takes effect and acne reduces it leaves its scars and marks behind that can ruin your appearance even in the absence of acne. There are many ways to get rid of pimple scars and listed below are just a few of these methods.

Dermatologists have found that the degree of scars and marks that acne leaves behind depends a lot on family history. It seems that we can inherit the tendency to have skin which is more sensitive to scarring, just like we can inherit the genetic predisposition to get acne in the first place. Generally, the more intensive is the problem of acne, the greater is the possibility of scarring, and more difficult is the problem of how to get rid of acne and its scars. Therefore, acne treatment should be undertaken before the situation spins out of control, as the scars that the acne treatment will leave behind will be much worse, even if the acne clears completely.

The creams and gels that are available over the counter that are meant for general scar reduction generally less effective when it comes to treating acne scars. However, some of these acne treatments have been seen to reduce saucer shaped scars that are not too deep. They can also flatten some of the scars that are raised above the skin. Some acne treatment creams can also reduce the discolouration caused by the acne in the form of pimples and blackheads. The creams that contain retinol, vitamin c, or glycolic acid can show how acne can be gotten rid off. Skin lightening products can also assist you in reducing the pigmentation that acne treatment or acne causes or the solution of how to get rid of acne results in.

Many people tend to self medicate and use many acne treatment products that can be used at home and can be administered on one