Fast Acne Relief: The Best Ways To Quickly Get Rid of Acne

Article by Erin Dyer

When it comes to acne, you don’t really care where those bumps and blemishes came from. You just want them gone, yesterday!

Find out how you can get fast acne relief and put your best face forward with these 4 easy tips.

1. Hands Off!

Every day you touch your face an average of 3 to 5 times every minute. That’s over 4,000 times a day.

This handsy habit may be causing you to break out, and may be enraging the blemishes that are already present. Your hands are covered with bacteria and constantly touching your face transfers that acne causing bacteria right to your pores.

Try to make a conscious effort to keep your hands away from your face. Wash your hands frequently and also keep your cell phone, and any other objects that might be come in contact with your complexion, clean.

2. Don’t Scrub

If you already have acne, it can be really tempting to try to scrub and buff the imperfections away. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that.

Scrubbing your face with hard cleansers and exfoliants can actually exacerbate the problem. Abrasive cleaners can irritate your already vulnerable skin, causing more inflammation and redness, and ultimately leading to more of the breakouts you are trying to avoid.

For fast acne relief, go for mild cleansers and soaps that won’t irritate your skin and wash your face gently with your fingertips or a soft cloth.

3. Natural Mask

Sometimes the best approach to getting fast acne relief is the most natural one. Reach into your pantry and pull out that jar of honey. That’s right! Honey does more then just sweeten tea and goodies, honey is great if you are looking for natural acne remedies that really work.

It may seem counterproductive to slather something so sticky onto your face when you are trying to get rid of acne, but honey contains amazing compounds that can clear things up. Honey is filled with enzymes that fight against pore clogging bacteria and it is also a great source of antioxidants that can help heal past damage and prevent new.

You can make your own natural face mask with honey and a few other ingredients that you might already have on hand, like plain yogurt which contains lactic acid, good bacteria, and zinc to help get rid of bacteria and heal outbreaks.

4. Combinations

There are many over-the-counter acne treatments that promise fast acne relief. If one can get the job done fast, adding two should be able to clear things up in record time right?

Not so fast. Using multiple products can actually lead to more problems. The more acne fighting medication you apply, the more your skin could become irritated. Irritation lead to inflammation, which leads to more redness and pimples.

Stick to one product or products that are designed to work together. Whether they contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or any other active ingredient is up to you and your doctor, but try not to slather your face with several different products. Remember you want to be gentle to your face!

About the Author

Erin Dyer is a writer for Summit E-Marketing.

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