How To Get Rid Of Acne- How to get rid of acne fast and safe without side effects

Article by casey gentles

If you are suffering from acne and wondering how to get rid of acne, then is will be one of the most important articles you have ever read. I will explain the cause of acne and how to get rid of acne without using drugs or pharmaceuticals that can make your acne worse or even harm your skin.

So What Causes Acne?

Well the only honest answer to that question is that there is no one cause to acne. With that said you should know that doing one thing will not enable you to be acne free. Acne is caused by a various factors. Some of these factors includes:

***Genetics- You can get acne if your parents had acne. You can also get acne even if your parents never had acne but your grand parents had acne. This is simply because of how genetic crossing occurs. (A total different topic, but hope you get the point)

***Improper Diet- Eating too much of the wrong types of foods can increase the risk of getting acne.

*** Hormonal Disturbances- Acne is the visible end result of hormonal, bacterial and inflammatory disturbances that take place at the level of the oil pore (pilosebaceous follicle): As the process advances, greater amounts of oil may be produced within the sebaceous glands. The scale produced on the inside walls of the hair follicle becomes stickier, and it builds up and blocks the pore. This shows up as whiteheads and blackheads (comedones).

How To Get Rid Of Acne?

To get rid of acne you must first detoxify your body of all the harmful toxins. You will then need to follow a natural acne regime. This involves having a healthy diet and doing regular exercises on a daily basis.

However not every fruits should be consumed when on your quest to get rid acne and there’s also certain types of food you should definitely avoid.

You should also ensure that you body is getting essential vitamins and mineral, especially vitamin A and B complexes.

About the Author

If you want to find out How To Get Rid Of Acne, then you should visit my blog where I will provide you with information and reviews of acne treatments that works. http://how–to–get—rid–of– you will also get tips on advice on how to achieve a clear skin within days.