3 Smart Tips on How to Get Rid of Acne at Home

Article by Alicia Day

There are millions upon millions of people all around the world today who suffer from the embarrassing affects of acne. Acne doesn’t discriminate, it can affect anyone. We all have heard of the claims that it is just a teen thing and when we do hit the adult age it will just go away. That is just one of many myths that lie around the talk on acne. Acne is a self confident destroyer, the way acne makes people feel about themselves is unexplainable unless of course you suffer from it yourself. There are ways of getting rid of acne and if you follow my 3 smart tips on how to get rid of acne at home and keep at it daily then you should have your acne under control.

Here are my 3 smart tips on how to get rid of acne at home

Although I talk mainly about Face acne here, you can also use these great tips for body acne just adjust the tips accordingly.

Tip one – Steam your whole face daily with hot steamy water with a pinch of salt. How to do this properly and effectively – Get a towel, a big bowl, a pinch of salt and boil the jug. When the jug has boiled pour it into the big bowl and add a pinch of salt. Then position yourself comfortably in a chair with the Bowl of steamy water sitting on a table. Make sure that your whole face is exposed to the hot steamy water and that the towel is keeping the hot steam on your face. By doing this on a daily basis it helps to unblock your skin pores on your face. By doing this it also helps get rid of any bacteria that is lurking on your face and stops it from turning into a infected pimple and daily outbreaks. If you are dealing with body acne run a warm bath and wash your body where acne is gently.

Tip two – Swim at the beach – If you live by the beach or you can access a beach then this is great because sea salt water and even just salt water in general acts as a anti – bacterial and helps fight of any bacteria that may be on your face and that may cause an out break if not treated. Have you noticed that people who surf often or swim often at the beach have no acne at all, or if so it is so minor you can’t even notice it anyway. This is because on a daily basis while there enjoying getting wet the salt water is cleaning their face and destroying any bacteria that may be lurking on their face, and as a result they don’t have a break out of acne.

Tip three – Wash your face several times through out the day with cool water – This helps to keep your face moist and as a result your pores are open and not clogged meaning the other tips above i have given you will work more effectively because your pores will be open and this enables the salt water to get in your pores and wash out the dirty bacteria lurking inside your pores.

No one wants to go through the embarrassment of acne. There are many more ways you can deal with acne, though the three tips i have given you above work wonders every time.

About the Author

Alicia Day Sais Grab Your FREE Report Revealing The Five Secrets To Clearing Your Skin By Clicking Here Before It’s Too Late.