Get Your Natural Beauty Back With At Home Acne Remedies

Article by Ingrid Lihan

Acne is a skin order which most of us are experiencing nowadays but it can be cured by using at home acne remedies.

Skin disorder is a problem that almost all of us are suffering from. One common skin disorder is acne. Other than causing pimples, white heads and blackheads, it also causes embarrassment to many of us.

Nowadays, you will find a lot of cures for acne but one of the most effective and safe way is at home acne remedies. Nowadays, even dermatologists are referring homemade remedies and avoiding medications until absolutely necessary.

You can find a number of homemade remedies that will help in getting rid of acne problem. Here are some of the remedies.

* Papaya: Papaya is one natural remedy for acne. You need to make a mask for which you need to mesh papaya. Using paste make facial mask. Apply it for about 15 minutes and then remove it with wet cloth.* Lemon: This is another effective method of getting rid of acne. All you need to do is rub a lemon piece on to your face before you go to bed. Alternatively, you can mix rose water and lemon juice and apply on acne. Wash your face after 30 minutes.

* Mint: This is one of the common ways for getting rid of acne. Squeeze mint juice and apply it to the face right before you go to bed.

* Vinegar: Mix pinch of salt in vinegar and then apply it on face by rubbing gently. Let it stay there for about 30 minutes.* Cucumber: Cucumber is another way for curing acne. You need to make a paste of cucumber and apply it over your face. Wash it after several minutes. Cucumber is preferred over lemon and vinegar, which dries up the skin, as it not only cures acne but also moisturizes the skin.

Not only at home acne remedies will cure acne but along with healthy diet, you can prevent acne from out breaking in the future again.

About the Author

At Home Acne Remedies can help in curing acne safely and naturally. For more information, visit today.

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