8 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Acne Pimples

Article by Caizechong

Want to get rid of pimples fast? Let’s be honest, you don’t have time to wait around for a cream or a pill to work, you want this gone now. In order to cure the acne, some people can go to extreme measures and use unsafe methods and medications. The realization of the dangers associated with these measures has seen an increasing number of people turn to more natural and healthy ways to handle acne.Every 30 minutes, apply an ice pack to the pimple and hold it there for about 2 minutes. This will decrease the swelling and redness and help shrink the inflammation and pain that sometimes comes along with it.

honey is not only delicious, but it is also great for your skin. If used right, honey is a powerful antiseptic that works fast. Honey is also a great way to get rid of any redness in your face. Try dabbing some honey on your red, irritated blemish and cover it with a band-aid overnight.

You can simply cut a fresh garlic clove and rub it against the acne-prone area of your skin. The strong garlic juice kills all the bacteria on the skin, including the kinds that cause acne. If pure garlic smells too strong, mash the garlic with a little water to dilute. Eating large amounts of fresh garlic can help prevent acne by cleansing the blood and reducing the overall toxin levels in the body.

You can simply cut a fresh garlic clove and rub it against the acne-prone area of your skin. The strong garlic juice kills all the bacteria on the skin, including the kinds that cause acne. If pure garlic smells too strong, mash the garlic with a little water to dilute. Eating large amounts of fresh garlic can help prevent acne by cleansing the blood and reducing the overall toxin levels in the body.

Cleanse your skin 2-3 times a day with mild, unscented soap or a specialized acne cleanser that has no harsh chemicals (such as lye). Scrub skin gently with an exfoliating pad or washcloth, but don’t rub too hard, otherwise you’ll sap your skin of its own natural oils, which help to repel buildup naturally.

I know that you have heard this one a million times, but it really is true. You do not need the expensive facial cleansers if you are using soap and water every day for your skin. Be sure that the soap is gentle and the best results come when you use distilled water.

Lavender essential oil is a strong antiseptic with the added benefit of smelling pleasant. It gently soothes skin as it fights off infection. It also helps increase blood circulation to quickly move toxins out of your system. Pure lavender oil is usually too strong for topical use and needs to be diluted a little with jojoba oil. Mix together one part lavender oil and one part jojoba oil. Add a few drops of the oil to a cotton ball, dab onto clean skin and let dry. Repeat twice daily.

Tea tree oil washes and creams kill the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria just as effectively as benzoyl peroxide, with an added benefit. Benzoyl peroxide can dry out the skin. This causes tiny flakes of skin to adhere to the openings of pores, ironically, causing more acne. Tea tree oil takes a day or two longer to get rid of redness but it will not cause the formation of new whiteheads and blackheads.

About the Author

Author is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. Click read more on acne treatment, eczema treatment.

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