Get Rid, Stop Pimples and Zits Naturally

Article by GuruZuru

What I’ve learned and found out is that, whenever you are about to go through and experience significant events in your life, these little ugly things called pimples almost always appear on your skin and sometimes under your armpits. They just break out. It may be caused by one or more of the following:

1) stress from an event like a job interview, 2) a special long awaited event, your patience ran out or 3) A hot juicy date with that special person in your life.

These pimple flare-ups are usually pretty difficult to deal with and can be very annoying, painful and especially if they are on your mouth, neck or nose can be very frustrating. People distress and suffering from red pustular spots may ask themselves the big question, how do I get rid of these darn small bloody pimples quickly, easy and fast. Do I pop them? Can popping cause more outbreaks, sores or infected? What are effective removal methods that are low cost?

What make them far more preferable over conventional treatments are that these alternatives are inexpensive and can be pretty safe to use to treat the pimples yourself. You can get rid of your chronic pimples quickly whether the pimples spots or zits are on your face, cheeks, chin, eyelid, ear, behind your neck, on your back, breast, buttocks. And for females around your vaginal area. Also for males on your balls (groin) genital penis area…and other places on your body or skin.

Treating pimple and acne out breaks can be pretty expensive if it’s not covered by your medical insurance company. And usually the over counter or prescription treatments don’t lasts very long, they usually last only for a short term, short periods of time.

So, let’s take a look at some good and effective alternatives that will save you some money and get rid of that ugly ole’ white itchy pimples, and clear up your skin, alright.

Here are a couple of alternatives, or you may call them tips that you could start applying right now, that are really easy remedies used for treatment. Except on your tongue, lip or inside your mouth. Do not apply this remedy to your eye or around your eyelid. And for the women, do not apply these remedies to your inner vagina, ladies.Make up a natural homemade cleanser cure cream and save money too.You can do this by mixing up two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of milk to create your own cream. Completely blend the two and using your fingers rub the mixture over the affected area. This should be okay to use underarm, scalp, head and on your stomach as well. Let it dry for about 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Both dirt and oil, which have blocked your pores, will be removed by this approach pretty much the same way a mask would work. If your pimples are not that bad, not too deep, you can try putting a towel dipped in warm water over the affected area. This will open up the pores and allow the oil and oily pus to escape from the pimple.Reduce, remove, and dry pimples and zits overnight while you sleep.Another simple approach is to put a little amount of shaving cream over the affected area. Let it dry overnight and rinse it off first thing in the next morning. By then, the pimples should have drained or dried up. Another similar approach is to put a tiny amount of toothpaste over the bump. Toothpaste is more commonly used as they are minty and have pleasant feel on your skin, leg or thigh. The effect though is pretty much the same as the shaving cream.Be mindful and remember, never squeeze or pick pimples as this will almost always lead to a redness blemish. Picking at pimples may result in a permanent scar or scarring and perhaps even further outbreaks.

Certain plants are really effective in natural treatment. One of these plants is the Aloe Vera. Treating burns and general skin care have always been the main use of Aloe Vera. Just cut a small pulp of this plant and apply it lightly over the pimples and it can help to dry them up.

The information in this article is for educational use only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any ailment. Visit a health care expert before starting any health care routine.

About the Author

Guru Zuru | Teacher of Wisdom From Above

I am Guru Zuru, teacher of great knowledge and wisdom from above. I’m here to teach and help you and others solve your challenges. Waiting for you is a more complete newsletter, audio and video teaching course that is perfectly prepared with ways to cure pimples and acne. Offered to you are several good methods to make you feel healthier all over. A lot of people have stopped pimples, naturally and for good using several of these methods, and it could work for you too. Grab your free (52 week) newsletter, audio and video teachings sent directly to your email inbox “How to Stop, Prevent and Cure Pimples Naturally.” Just enter your first name, email address in the box above and click the green “Send My Newsletter” button for instant access.