Are Natural Ways To Get Rid of Acne Possible & Effective?

Article by Cesar Arev

Searching for some natural ways of get rid of acne fast is something important for everyone that want to be acne-free in days or in weeks at most, a lot of the times all things needed to start are at your kitchen and you can start just today to clearing your face. Here are some natural ways of get rid of acne fast treatments that are proven to be effective.

These treatments include a balanced diet, vitamins and nutritional supplements, herbs and bodywork.


A diet based mostly on whole and unprocessed food is often beneficial for people who suffer from acne. Try to eat vegetables at least five times a day and fruits at least once. Refined sugar should be avoid it. You should also avoid fried foods, trans fats, such as milk or margarine and hydrogenated vegetable oils. It is recommended to consume foods that contain omega-3 oils, such as sardines or flax seeds. There are also some opinions claiming that chocolate, coffee, salt, shellfish, wheat products and carbonated drinks increase acne.

It is also important to drink a lot of water. You should try to have at list 8 glasses of water each day. Fiber intake is also recommended. In addition to fruits and vegetables, you should also eat whole grain. Some people claim that a liver detox diet from one to four weeks based on fruits and vegetables helps with acne.

Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements

Vitamin A can help with reducing sebum production. However, you should be careful not to exaggerate, as high doses of vitamin A can lead to a decreased bone density, headache, muscle and joint pain and birth defects. Sexually active women of childbearing age shouldn’t take more than 5,000 IU per day unless they are guided by a professional and are using at least two birth control methods. It’s not necessary to take vitamin A if there’s an adequate intake of vitamin E, zinc and beta-carotene, which contribute to vitamin A formation.

Zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate are also effective natural acne treatments. Two studies comparing zinc to antibiotic tetracycline have found that zinc is as effective as tetracycline. Zinc helps with healing blemishes, reducing inflammation as well as reducing androgenic hormonal effects on skin. This is why you should increase the intake of foods that contain zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate, such as seafoods, red meat or poultry.

Vitamin B6 helps with pre-menstrual or mid-cycle acne and is essential for the metabolism of steroid hormones. It can also reduce skin sensitivity to testosterone effects.

Examples of natural ways to get rid of Acne that you can reach today:

Kitchen and acne are two oppositions we might not be well aware of. Lookout your kitchen for stuff like oranges and lemons, fresh garlic and raw potatoes.

– Oranges and lemons just need to be squeezed on cotton balls. Apply the extract on involved areas and wash it later on 20 minutes.

– Fresh garlic is used much easier. Just bump off its peeling and rub it on your face.

– As for raw potatoes, peel them and rub its flat surface on your face.

The natural extracts from these fruits and veggies can help minimize the redness at the same time can clean the skin.

Ways To Get Rid of Acne Fast

Click Here if you want to check The Shocking True About Acne Treatments.

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About the Author

Cesar Vera is an expert reviewer of different topics, from health to electronics, a professional researcher looking for the truth.

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