The Right Way to Squeezing Pimples

If you want to rid pimples fast, you could just as easily pop they with your hand. No need for toothpaste or oil or lemon. Just one quick squeeze and the pimple will be gone.

However, you’re not supposed to do this each time. In fact, you could encounter more problems by popping the pimple than by leaving them alone to die by themselves. Still, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to let that large whitehead live on your forehead for some time. Although not all people are aware of this, you can actually pop some pimples without any problems. However, you have to do this right. Otherwise, a wrongly popped pimple can leave unsightly scars or marks on the skin that would be even harder to remove. Now, here are your options if you want to learn how to remove pimples.

Needle Process
You can use a needle to rid pimples fast simply by pricking the top part. Of course, you’ll need to sterilize a needle first, preferably with an alcohol. Once you’ve managed to create that tiny opening, simply push down on the base of the pimple. Let all the white stuff inside the pimple to come out of the opening. Next up, you can use a clean towel for wiping off the white ooze. A tissue paper is also cool, just as long as the material is clean. Blood should pour out after the pus runs dry. You can also squeeze out a small amount of this blood before patting the erupted pimple dry.

Using your Hand
You just use your hands if you don’t want or have a needle. But first, make sure you have cleaned them thoroughly. Face a mirror and put your hands on the base of the pimple. Gently push down so that the pus inside the zit will erupt upwards. Now, use a towel or a tissue paper to clean it off. Blood should follow the white ooze and I recommend that you let some of them out.

Pimples Ready to Pop
You should also find out how to identify ripe pimples if you want to learn how to remove pimples properly. Generally, you should look for ones that are already white and have this green or yellowish pus on the middle. This is the part that you want gone.

Leave the pimple alone if it doesn’t rupture automatically. What this means is that the pimple is not yet ripe for removal and may leave a scar. Remember that its possible for you to get a scar if you try to pop pimples that are not yet ready. Chances are it will leave scars that are considerably harder to remove.

If you have more than two or three large pimples on your face, don’t try to prick each one. What you should do is look for other treatment options available to you.

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