Most of us know that having acne and pimples is annoying and embarrassing since these skin problems are visible to everyone. Pimples make us conscious reducing the confidence level. Actual cause of having pimples is still not very clear but we believe that hormonal change happening in our body during adolescence and stress may lead to it. It is a fact that in order to find ways to prevent acne and pimples, first thing to know is the reason what causes of these skin problem. The first step to be consider in order to prevent acne and pimples is by determining thereal cause of it.    Solutions to prevent it can achieve possibly once it is determined.


Glad that with all the different factors that causes acne and pimples, there are also simple and effective steps to follow to avoid problems with acne and pimples.


 In order to prevent acne and pimple problems, we should be aware to kind of food that we eat because it plays a vital role to have this skin problems.  Adult cystic acne and pimples can be avoided through eating lots of fruits and vegetables.   The natural vitamins and minerals that we get from eating these foods boost our immune system.

 Being hydrated has a great power to our body.    It is important to practice and be a habit of drinking 10-12 glasses of water everyday.    It is because water is the main factor that flushes out the toxins in our body and able to cleanse our organs.    Also it is recommended that drinking plenty of water is a natural acne scar skin care treatment.  

Using honey into the face has a great effect to prevent acne and pimples. Honey has lots of curing as well as cleansing properties.  Through applying warm water or mild steam you were able to open pores in face and then apply honey.   Wait for few minutes before washing it first using warm water. Cold water can then be splashed on face to close open pores.


 It is important to wash your face once in the morning and once before going to bed.   Wash more often in summers to prevent oils from getting accumulated and keep face clean. Remember to splash warm water before applying soap as that opens the pores in skin allowing deep penetration of skin by soap.  Water-based soap should be use by people with oily skin.    Soaps may clog pores causing acne that is why body soaps are not advisable to use on face.   Soap must be rinsed off using cold water so that pores are closed.

 Toning of the face is often left out and peoplke generally do not give toning any importance.   Toning your skin after cleansing as it clears face of any leftover cleanser. The residue that leaves on the face will clog the pores resulting to an acne.   Toner can be easily applied by soaking a cotton ball in it and running over face.   You were able to find a way to prevent acne and pimples by simply applying it to your face.  

 These are just few easy and simple tips to follow to prevent acne and pimples.    Remember that by having a skin free from acne and pimples starts with the discipline of every person in caring for their skin.