Solution That Works-At Home Acne Remedies

Article by Ingrid Lihan

Since the onset of acne free treatments, many companies have released products for cure from acne. However, there are many at home acne remedies that could be attempted before using those products for better and relatively inexpensive results.

The problem of acne is usually related to over production of body oils (sebum) by the skin and/or irritation which leads to scratching and thus infection. Many companies have released heavy antibiotic creams and ointments to combat this.

However, there still exist many at home acne remedies which not only provide inexpensive, but also long lasting results without any side effects. These include, but are not limited to using kitchen ingredients to manufacture homemade acne remedies. The ingredients are usually chosen with respect to their characteristic properties.

Examples of such household items are peppermint (which is an anti-inflammatory agent and a pain reliever, and can be applied directly to the affected area, once or twice a day for 5-10 minutes), Aloe Vera (which is world famous for its antibiotic properties, and it also relieves pain instantly), oatmeal and many more. The basic purpose here is to use items that can either relieve the pain caused due to itchiness from acne, act as an antibiotic, so as to cleanse the skin of bacteria and to reduce the oil production in the skin.

Also, the exact use of the home remedy depends on what the exact acne problem is. If there is only inflammation of the skin followed by redness, then an anti-inflammatory agent used in conjunction with an antibiotic agent would do the trick. However, if the problem is more serious such as acne pimples which have become pus-filled acne cysts, then something more in the antibiotic category will have to be used.

A huge advantage of using home remedies is that they do not have the problems associated with ‘market’ remedies. None of the home products have any allergic deficiencies that may unknowingly cause serious problems to the user. Additionally, results are often pain free and tend to be long term. Some disadvantages are that one may have to experiment around with at home acne remedies to find the combination that works best for them, and that results usually take longer.

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