Remedy for Acne

Article by remedyforacne

All of us have at one stage or other sought an acne remedy when suffering from that troublesome and common acne problem that first appeared in our early teen years and have often continued into our adult life. Who doesn’t know the embarrassment of pimples appearing during our adolescent years when our self esteem is often at its lowest and when we are trying to make a good impression. A fast and effective acne remedy is what we wanted in those days and even today if acne is a problem in our lives.

Acne is caused by hormonal changes usually during teenage years when oil glands in the skin become hyperactive. This additional oil combine with dead skin cells that block hair follicles and together with skin bacteria infect the hair follicles producing a break-out of the skin. Result! Beauty is marred and embarrassment can follow.

There are many acne remedies available from natural home remedies to pharmaceutical drugs. My preference is not to take drugs because of their side effects but rather to find a natural acne remedy.One acne remedy is to cut a raw potato in half and rub the flat section over the affected areas in an attempt to neutralize the bacteria that is causing the trouble in the pores. If it works for you, then great.

Another acne remedy is to go on a fast for several days and to change the diet to healthier eating of mainly raw food. No doubt there is an element of truth in following this acne remedy but it does require some discipline as fasting and a strict diet regime is often too much like hard work for most of us.

A natural acne remedy that helps to achieve a change in the hormonal levels without too much effort will have some appeal to most of us. Several natural products supply solutions to acne problems, and I would recommend any product that is totally natural in its formulation and that treats the acne problem by internal cleansing that is directed at the source of the problem.

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About the Author

‘Acne Free in 3 Days’ is an all-natural acne solution that is guaranteed to be 100% effective: Be acne free in 3 days and learn everything there is to know about removing acne and having beautiful skin. Expect results in only 3 days! Also visit our acne information resource site to learn more about acne cures.