Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Article by Tillerystacey

One of the most common skin diseases is acne and at the same times its one of the hardest to deal with since you have to be careful about several factors if you really want to get it fast. It can leave scars at the end if it’s not treated well. This is the reason why you must know how to treat it effectively.

Acne’s are everyone’s nightmare. No one wants to have a skin breakout and we will try our best to prevent acne from appealing. Mostly of the population suffer from acne breakouts but they do not know how to get rid of acne fast.

There are many tips that people give to get rid of acne fast and here are some based on your situation and skin tone had been found to be the most effective.

Wash Your Face

It sounds so simple, but you’d be surprised how many people have acne and pimples and just don’t wash their face well. When washing use antibacterial face wash (not soap). Use something gentle that won’t irritate your skin. Acne is a combination of bacteria, hormones, and oil production. If you dry out your skin, it will only produce even more oil and make acne worse.


Garlic is known to be potent in getting rid of acne fast. To use garlic as acne remedy, massage it onto face several times a day for one week. Regular garlic massage can help clear your pores and protect it from acne-causing bacteria.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is great for acne- Apply some lemon juice on your face using a cotton ball and let it dry up for a while. After it has dried up wash it off with luke warm water. You will start seeing changes within a few days if you do this regularly. At the same time you should not use this remedy if you have a highly sensitive skin as it can cause a lot of irritation later on.

Eat health food

Healthy eating is another fast way to get rid of your acne. Eating foods that have a high content of sugar, vegetable oils, and saturated fats will cause you to breakout. An example of these foods is cakes, cookies, fast food burgers and French fries, pizza, chocolates, and other junk foods. These foods spike your insulin and create a hormonal imbalance, which is what causes your acne. So, you should eat healthy. An example of some health foods you should eat is nuts, veggies, fruits, lean meats (chicken breast, tuna, turkey, and lean beef), whole wheat foods, and other health foods.Drinking Water

Another way to get rid of acne fast is drinking water. Your body is full of toxins, which makes you breakout. So, by drinking water, you will flush your body of the toxins. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is probably one of the most important of all the ways on how to get rid of acne fast.

Learn more about how-to-get-rid-of-acne-fast, visit

About the Author

I love writing about acne.

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