Natural Acne Remedies That Really Work – 5 Proven Ways to Get Rid Of Acne, Cheaply And Effectively

Article by Jim Rees

Have you spent a fortune on over-the-counter products in the hope of finding that magic potion that will banish the ”curse of the zits” forever? Unfortunately there isn’t one. But do you realise that in your kitchen, you will find some simple but highly effective natural acne remedies that have proven to be equally, if not more effective in dealing with those zits, than many conventional treatments?

Conventional medications are packed with chemicals, so how do you know for sure, what you are putting on your skin? Doesn’t it make more sense to at least try something that is simple, natural, readily available, known to be effective and certainly costs a lot less? That has to be a no-brainer!

So let’s briefly consider five of the most popular natural acne remedies, found in most homes, that are so simple to apply but can work wonders in getting rid of those zits.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can make a great facial scrub. Simply mix with a little water to form a paste and gently and carefully massage into your clean skin for about 10 to 15 seconds. Then rinse off and pat dry with a clean towel. This effective exfoliant, will remove the dead skin that can clog your pores and cause acne.

Egg Whites

Separate the egg whites from the yolk and beat them together, then apply to the face as a mask. Leave it for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off. The egg whites are rich in protein and do a great job in healing and rebuilding damaged skin. It also helps to absorb excess oil, a major factor in causing acne.


A similar procedure as for egg whites. Cook some plain oatmeal just as you would normally and allow it to cool off. Apply it to your clean skin so that it forms a mask. Leave for a while and then rinse off. It may seem a strange remedy but is effective in removing excess oil and impurities from deep within your skin. Do this on a regular basis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Certainly a multi purpose remedy, apple cider vinegar is very good for cleaning up acne. It can kill off those acne causing bacteria, absorb excess oil and adjust the pH of your skin. Apply diluted vinegar (8 : 1 with water) directly on to the affected skin, leave for about 10 minutes and then rinse off.

Tea Tree Oil

If not found in your kitchen TTO is readily available at most drug stores or supermarkets. It is a very common, totally natural household antiseptic. You can either apply TTO directly onto your affected skin or you could dilute it, by mixing it with an oil, such as jojoba oil, and spread it all over your entire face.

Alternatively, you might find it easier to apply Tea Tree Gel, which can be applied over large areas of skin and doesn’t need to be diluted.

So there you have it, five extremely simple but highly effective acne remedies that are totally natural and very cheap. But having ventured this far why not take a step further.

Check out on-line what has been achieved, when several totally natural acne remedies are combined and integrated into a holistic program of treatment. Obviously this is a lot more complex. But, you will discover that with the right guidance, thousands of former acne sufferers are claiming to have found the way to get rid of acne for good. Surely worth investigating?

About the Author

For the ultimate acne treatment visit You will discover how a program of treatment, that combines the most effective natural acne remedies, has produced amazing results, as thousands of former sufferers are very pleased to confirm. Check out what they have to say.