Natural Acne Remedies

Article by Marquis Van De Mark

Natural acne remedies are the most advisable cure options for sensitive skin. Although there are hundreds of manufactured remedies promising alleviation of the disturbing skin conditions, it is always advisable to seek a doctor’s advice before trying them out. Acne break-outs usually occur in the teenage years when most young people experience an increase of testosterone production in the body. Psychological disturbances, stress and irregular lifestyles are also thought to contribute to acne break-outs in adults.

Some of the natural acne remedies used to cure or alleviate the severity of acne includes Aloe Vera, Tea tree oil, vitamin A and Zinc. Tea Tree oil is a very effective acne treatment since it has bacteria-fighting properties. Bacteria are the major cause of acne outbreaks and tea tree has active properties that either weaken the bacteria or kills them.

Aloe Vera is also among the viable natural acne remedies. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory soothing properties. Aloe Vera can also be applied on the affected areas, or taken orally for detoxification of the digestive tract. This in turn helps alleviate the skin condition.

Zinc is potent natural acne remedy usually taken in capsule form. Zinc helps repair the skin and also reinforces one’s immune system. Vitamin A on the other hand is obtained from foods but is also available in tablet form. The vitamin helps the body develop a healthy skin. Vitamin E is considered a natural anti-oxidant and hence beneficial to the skin.

Dermatologists encourage acne sufferers to drink a minimum of four pints of water daily. In addition, eating leafy vegetables and fresh fruit is also beneficial to the skin as it improves the skins ability to heal and rejuvenate itself. Some other natural acne remedies suggested by dermatologists include applying a mixture of tomato pulp, rose water and honey on the face for 20 minutes before washing it up. Tomato contains Vitamin C which is a vital vitamin in alleviating skin conditions.

About the Author

Marquis is an author that writes on topics of interest you can visit his website about Toro Lawn Mower Parts Shop by linking here Toro Lawn Mower Parts Shop

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