Is There An Acne Remedy That Really Works?

Article by Delora Rose

Is there an acne remedy that really works is a question that has been asked a million times. Do medications work? Does diet affect my finding a real acne remedy? Is there only one true acne remedy?

After dealing with people on a professional level and on a personal level (yes, acne is in my home also) there isn’t just one way to treat acne. But when you are looking for a quick acne remedy, there are tips that if you follow, you will alleviate 90% of what you are experiencing.

Some of the following suggestions may seem trivial but they are probably the most important when finding an acne remedy. Try all of these and then you’ll understand that sometimes it’s the simple things that are the best.

1. Wash your pillow case daily. If possible, wash your sheets every couple of days. Hang to dry outside if possible. If that can’t happen, then use the hottest setting on your dryer.

2. A great acne remedy is to make sure you wash your face with an anti-bacterial soap or acne cleanser (a gentle one) at least twice a day. Try to find a product with aloe vera in it. It is amazing for your skin.

3. Only use products which contain benzoyl peroxide.

4. To help with your acne remedy, only use cosmetics that are hypoallergenic.

5. Do not touch or rub your face with your hands. Your hands are full of oils and usually have a lot of bacteria on them. When washing your hands, only use an anti-bacterial soap or wash and make sure you wash them many times during the day.

6. At least once a day, run very hot water in the shower and let the bathroom fill up with steam. Sit there for at least 10-15 minutes. The steam opens and cleans your pores and is a wonderful acne remedy.

7. Don’t drink milk. It aggravates your acne.

8. Stop using sugar and sugar substitutes. This robs precious vitamins from your body which is trying to battle this condition.

Lastly, finding an effective acne remedy has a lot to do with what we consume and put into our bodies. Many women use birth control pills which can greatly affect their acne condition and therefore there is a greater difficulty in finding an acne remedy. Try changing pills or using one that is not as many milligrams. This will make a big difference in treating your acne condition.

Some doctors may also recommend using antibiotics for an acne remedy. We wouldn’t suggest that unless your acne is very severe. Problem is that once you stop taking the antibiotics your acne will return. Also, using antibiotics in this way creates a resistance to them in your body which is not a good thing in the long term.

If you follow the above regime exactly, you will find that they are perfect for an acne remedy. Every day you will find that your acne clears up a little more. Stick with it and before you know it, you’ll be acne free.

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