How To Get Rid Of Blemishes- Homemade Acne Remedies

Article by Gene Coleman

Starting with a high fiber diet is how to get rid of blemishes. This high fiber diet is high in fruits and vegetables. Your diet should be generous in ginger and garlic and excludes fried foods. Fruits and vegetables are natural antibiotics and can help prevent blemishes.

You should also drink plenty of water everyday to flush the toxins from the system and also keep you properly hydrated. These two things are accomplished with water are a very important part in a natural home remedy and is how to get rid of blemishes.

A good toner is another valuable sector in natural home remedies for ridding yourself of acne. Spray the toner on your face or apply with a cotton ball and remove with a clean, dry cotton ball or soft cloth.. This will help you get rid of the excess oil.

Another frugal choice includes witch hazel for normal to dry skin, or 3% hydrogen peroxide for oily skin.

Going back to your refrigerator and getting the honey with more natural acne treatment and showing you how to get rid of blemishes.You should not use honey with additives because it detracts from the nutrition derived from the honey. Honey eliminates bad bacteria and toxins in your skin. You just gently apply it to your face and then rinse from the area with water or a mild soap.

There are some vegetables and fruits in your home that you can be very useful as acne home remedies. You can use grated potato to get rid of blemishes on the skin; or you can apply a paste of ripe tomato for an hour. Cucumber pulp is another home remedy that can help you get rid of acne on the fast track. Raw papaya juice is another natural home remedy that also works effectively on people looking for home acne remedies.

Rub lacto calamine lotion on your face every night. It works by absorbing excess oil from the skin and helps get rid of blemishes.

Still another natural home remedy to get rid of blemishes is found with in your kitchen cabinets or refrigerator is olive oil. Apply olive oil to your affected area as olive oil is an effective natural acne treatment and a healing home product. It provides beneficial nutrients for the skin and provides conditioning that works on acne and acne scars. Apply the oil on the affected areas every day. Olive oil has moisturizing ingredients that softens skin and reduces the size acne of scars.

A simple facial mask prepared with 50% rose water and 50% cucumber paste is another effective home remedy to get rid of blemishes. Apply this mask for about 30-40 minutes two or three a week, and you will see the results pretty quick.

Another effective facial mask is made with half a cup of orange juice with half a cup of honey and applied on the affected areas. While orange helps the skin to get rid of the excess oils, honey will do the job of disinfecting. Together, they will help you get rid blemishes very effectively.

When you want to get rid of blemishes, it is advisable to do so with these natural substances and they are not limited to the ones mentioned here. These natural home remedies do not have any adverse effects.

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For more information on how to Prevent Acne Naturally or Get Rid Of Blemishes

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