How to Get rid of Acne with Oils

Article by Beau Townsend

Oil and water don’t mix! Water cannot dissolve oil! Like dissolves like! We all know that and yet we try to get rid of the oil on our skins with water and detergent. We have been brainwashed with advertising to believe that we do not know How to Get Rid of Acne and that there is no cure.In this series of articles we will be discussing the different types of oils to use on sensitive acne skin. As with all acne natural remedies, trial and error is the only way to go to find what works best for your skin type. Do not expect a miracle overnight because it will not happen. If you stick to your chosen remedy you will achieve remarkable results in a few days that will last as long as you keep to a fixed routine.The basics of drinking lots of water per day and eating more raw fresh fruit and vegetables apply for any skin condition to ensure that your body is cleared of toxins constantly.

As you know our skins lubricate themselves with natural oils manufactured in our sebaceous glands. When we strip our skins of these natural oils by washing with soaps and skin care products, the body is forced to produce even more oil to hydrate the skin. This exacerbates the condition and we land up with excessively oily skins.

There are many different oils available to help How to Get Rid of Acne and they are divided into two categories, essential oils and carrier or fixed oils. Fixed oils, like Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Hazelnut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil are base oils that penetrate the pores of the skin. They also help to deliver essential oils to the skin, but do not have to be used in conjunction with essential oils as they can do the job on their own.Essential oils are strong, concentrated oils mainly extracted from botanical plants and fruits. They should be diluted dramatically with fixed oils to ensure they are not too strong and drying for your skin type. Most essential oils are antibacterial and tend to dry skin if used in the concentrated form which is excellent if you need to dry out a pimple quickly. Using a q-tip you can apply concentrated essential oil to that pimple only. The skin around may seem a bit oily but the pimple will dry in a matter of hours.Once you have made your choice, mainly by smell, of essential oil and have mixed with either castor oil or extra virgin olive oil or any fixed oil of your preference, then the next step is to cleanse the skin to be treated.The best method of How to Get Rid of Acne using oils is to gently massage your choice of oil into the affected skin. The oil will dissolve the impurities that have hardened and clogged the pores encouraging them to rise to the surface. In order to help clearing the pores, steaming is recommended. This can be done by warming a washcloth in boiled water and placing it over the skin to cool. Rinse with warm water and repeat the process a few times. The steam will open the pores and force the excess oil and dead skin cells to the surface to be gently wiped away.

If your skin feel tight or dry after this treatment, take a few drops of the oil mixture, rub it between your palms to warm it and apply to the skin. Gently massage into your skin so there is no oily residue.This treatment should be done every second or third day initially. You will probably notice an increase in oiliness the first few days. This is because you have unblocked and got rid of the plugs that have blocked the oil flow. It will take a few days for the sebaceous glands to balance out. An excess oil flow initially is a great sign that the pores are unblocked and flowing properly.Your skin should feel clean, refreshed, smooth, hydrated and should have a healthy glow.

This is the basis on How to Get Rid of Acne using oils. In future articles we will be discussing the variety of oils available for your personal choice.

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