How To Get Rid Of Acne Using Simple Remedies

Article by Van Gordon

Here is a brief synopsis on how to get rid of acne using home remedies and ingredients you may already have in your cupboard:

Water and SaltLukewarm water mixed with salt is the simplest home remedy for acne. Warm water helps open up pores to loosen dirt, sebum and dead skin cells that clog the pores. Salt has antibacterial properties that also help relieve itching. The combination also helps remove excess oil.

Lemon and Rose WaterEqual parts lemon juice and rose water may be applied onto the skin and rinsed after 30 minutes. Lemon and rose water helps combat bacteria and calm the skin. With regular use, the homemade tonic can help prevent the formation of new pimples. Lemon also has a mild bleaching property which helps reduce blemishes and hyperpigmentation.

Orange PeelUse ground orange peel mixed with a few drops of water to make a paste, apply on the affected area and leave overnight. The acid fights bacteria, induces mild exfoliation and has a slight bleaching effect.

Essential OilsThere are certain essential oils that are often used as home remedies for acne. These include tea tree, witch hazel, rosewood and geranium. Pure essential oils are often too potent, so for people with sensitive skin, they are best used mixed with some water. The emulsion can then be applied directly onto the affected areas several times a day. These oils have antibacterial properties which help kill bacteria that could lead to acne.

ToothpasteToothpaste is one of the most commonly used home remedies for acne because it’s readily available and works effectively for some people. Toothpaste is best used as a spot treatment for zits and occasional pimples. It contains alcohol and menthol that help dry the skin, particularly the affected area. The alcohol content of the toothpaste also helps neutralize bad bacteria. Some toothpastes may also have antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help combat bacteria that causes acne.

About the Author

This author writes frequently about how to Get Rid Of Acne with simple remedies available today. Learn how you can use Home Remedies For Acne to help alleviate common skin conditions that plague millions of people every year.