How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

Article by Bob West

It’s very common for people to suffer from acne. Actually it’s so common that millions of people around the world have some version of acne. And it can really be frustrating because everything you do just seem to make it worse. And we all know it’s not the most attractive thing in the world, especially when the acne appears on your face… So I think it’s safe to say that we all would want to get rid of our acne overnight.

So what I’m here to teach you is how you do it. I suffered from a semi-bad case of acne starting at the age of about 14 until I was maybe 20. The acne came a lot in waves for me. One day I was almost acne free and then somehow I got a lot of acne overnight.

Now if you didn’t already know acne is mostly caused by your pores getting clogged by over production of an oil called sebum which then attracts a bacteria (p.acne) to that pore which then inflames it and shows a red hot burning pimple on the outside.

So the reason teenagers, women right before their periods and pregnant women get acne is their hormones increasing the production of the oil sebum. Now this is something that gives you acne overnight.

One thing which really gives you acne overnight is alcohol. This varies a lot from person to person but if you want to get rid of acne overnight then alcohol is not the key. Every time I went out with my friends and had a few beers I woke up the next morning with my face covered in new fresh pimples.

So one thing you can do to get rid of acne overnight is: Don’t drink.

Another thing which concerns mostly women is makeup. And especially sleeping with makeup. It’s one of the best ways to get more acne overnight instead of getting rid of it. So make sure you wash that makeup off every single night before you go to bed, no matter how tired you might be.

So we talked about hormones there earlier and how they give you acne. Well the hormones you relieve when you stress will increase the sebum production in your pores. So the more you stress about getting a pimple on the middle of your nose the same day as you have a date with the woman of your dreams… the higher are the odds that you’ll find that pimple there. So if you stop stressing today you can make sure you don’t get more acne than you already have.

There are many other things that can cause acne too. It’s not just alcohol, hormones and makeup. There’s dirt (works like the oil sebum… it cloggs the pores and attracts the bacteria), there’s friction, there’s dry skin… all kinds of stuff.

But one thing which you can do to get rid of acne overnight is get rid of that friction. And I’m talking about clothing here. Take for example a helmet. If you tighten the straps so much that it causes a lot of friction between the strap and your face then you can expect some breakouts around the area of the strap. Especially if the helmet is on for a long time. This is something I learned in the army since I kept getting acne around the straps of my helmet which I had to wear like 24/7 almost. So watch out for this friction acne too.

If you’re interested in truly learning the secrets to getting rid of your acne then I suggest you read my 10 steps on how to get rid of acne overnight.

About the Author

My name is Bob West and thanks for taking the time and reading my article.

I’ve been suffering from acne myself… especially as a teenager and during my military service and today I’m almost completely acne free. So I decided to let you in on some of the things I did to get rid of my acne.

Learn more on getting rid of acne on my website get rid of acne overnight