How to Get Rid of Acne in a Week Flat

Article by Tom Corson-Knowles

Is it really possible to get rid of acne in a week?

The answer is a resounding YES!

I did it myself and I’m going to show you how. But first, we need to understand what exactly causes acne in order to learn how to get rid of acne…

Acne is caused by a buildup of toxins in the body. When your eliminatory systems are overwhelmed or overworked, they can no longer get rid of these toxins as fast as they are building up in your body. So your body goes to the last resort – your skin – and forces these toxins out through your skin, resulting in acne breakouts.

Thus, the real key to getting rid of acne is not taking a drug, putting some crazy lotion, oil, or skin cream on your face – it’s helping your body eliminate these toxins quickly and efficiently so that your skin can heal (and it will heal in a week if you let it!)

Ok here’s what I did and what you can do too to get rid of acne in a week:

1. Eat more fiber

Fiber is one of the keys to helping your body eliminate toxins. If you’re not having 2-3 bowel movements a day, your backed up (literally) and your body is absorbing all of those toxins from the feces fermenting in your gut (gross but true). The key is to eat more fiber from whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, berries and beans/legumes.

When you add more fiber to your diet, it’s also very important that you…

2. Drink more water

The extra water will help the fiber do its job and help your body eliminate more toxins more quickly. Most Americans have been found to be dehydrated chronically anyway, so it’s probably a good idea for most people to consciously drink more water, but especially for acne because its even been found to help clear up acne just simply by drinking more water!

3. Stop eating acne causing foods

There are some foods that contribute to or help cause acne directly. You need to avoid these completely in order to get rid of your acne in a week.

The key foods to avoid are:

1. Anything with sugar (cakes, candies, cookies, soda, etc)2. Anything with artificial sweeteners (diet cokes, low sugar foods, no sugar foods)3. Processed foods (potato chips, desserts, etc)4. Dairy – Avoid all dairy, milk and cheese as it contributes to acne breakouts

If you follow these simple steps – eating more fiber by eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, berries and beans, drink more water, and avoid these acne causing foods, your acne will clear up in a week!

About the Author

Tom Corson-Knowles is a topHealth Coach with a no-nonsense approach to creating health and wellness.