How to Get Rid of Acne

Article by Laura Wood

If you are one of the millions who are suffering from acne, here are some top tips to get rid of acne. While this may not give you magical results right away, following these tips will help you get rid of acne slowly, bit by bit and prevent future acne.

Wash Your Face Twice Daily

You should build into your daily skin care routine to wash your face twice a day with a gentle skin cleanser and warm water. The best routine to follow is to wash once in the morning after getting out of bed and once in the shower or before going to bed at night.

Using the right product for your skin type is very important. Do not use products that are too harsh as they may strip moisture off your skin. Pick cleansers that are suitable for acne or acne prone skin. Don’t be fooled into the idea that the more you wash, the more you will get rid of acne. Over washing will only worsen the condition and make your skin dry, and will eventually lead to more outbreak. Therefore, washing twice a day is the recommended frequency for healthy skin.

Don’t Touch Your Face with Your Hands

Hands are the easiest way for bacteria and viruses to spread to your face. This is because we often forget how frequently we touch things that many people have touched before such as door knobs, public transport handles, escalator rails and so on. And then we touch our face! Sweat, grime, oil and bacteria from your hands now get spread to your face. So if possible, avoid touching your face and if you must, remember to wash your hands or use facial tissue to blow your nose or wipe your face.

Don’t forget to also change your pillow case frequently. Hair and fringe that get in the way often is a major cause for skin outbreak too. Tie back your hair and keep your fringe trimmed. Wash your hair frequently to keep it clean.

Don’t pop your acne

You may be tempted to pop or squeeze your pimples and acne. Don’t! This is one of the most deadly actions and no matter how tempting it may be, don’t do it because it is going to make your acne worse.

Remember how our hands are full of bacteria? Even if you swear you have washed your hands a million times, popping your acne is going to cause distress to your already affected skin and bacteria will spread easily leading to more acne formation. What is worse is, by popping your acne this put yourself at risk for acne scars!

Keep Your Skin Clear and Let it Breathe

Your skin needs to breathe. Whilst daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing is highly recommended in order to keep your skin healthy and beautiful, your skin does not need harsh products all the time. That means, use products in moderation and do not cake up your face with thick makeup. Your skin needs to breathe and the pores need to be clear. Heavy makeup every day is one of the worst enemies to your skin as the chemicals may clog the pores and prevent your skin from breathing.

The same goes to acne products. You may be tempted to splash large amount of acne products in the hope that your acne will be gone quicker. Again, do not be tempted! Acne products usually contain strong ingredients and you should use strictly according the instructions or as prescribed by your doctor.

You are one of the millions who are looking for ways to get rid of acne. The key is to keep trying and persevere until you find the combination that works best for your skin. It does take time and effort to get rid of acne. Sometimes it is just a matter of timing where the acne will clear as the years go by. No matter what, you should keep in mind some of these tips to help you maintain healthy and acne free skin.

About the Author

Learn more about acne and Some Common Misconceptions about Acne. Learn also about acne scars and treatment options by reading ERASE MY ACNE SCARS where Laura Wood tells more treatment options and the pros and cons of each treatment. She has helped many acne scars sufferers overcome living with acne scars.

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