How to get rid of a zit overnight using Tomatoes

Article by Beau Townsend

You will have noticed from all the articles on our site, we strive to give you holistic ways on How to get Rid of a zit Overnight. We aim to inform you on the different natural products that can be used in the fight against zits, pimples, acne, skin redness from acne and breakouts.

Obviously all treatments need to be tried and tested for your skin type. When you have found what works for you, we suggest you keep to the routine to ensure that you reap the rewards for a long time to come.

We are discussing the benefits of tomatoes in our fight on How to get Rid of a Zit overnight and forever. Tomatoes are a fruit that is freely available and very reasonably priced. As always if you can grow them yourself or buy organic produce, so much the better. Fully ripe red tomatoes contain four times the amount of beta-carotene that supplies our body with Vitamin A which helps maintain a healthy skin.

All fruit and vegetables should preferably be eaten raw to maximize their nutritional value as cooking destroys some vitamins and enzymes. In tomatoes the lycopene is not destroyed when cooking.

Tomatoes also contain vitamin C, K, carotenes, and biotin as well as lycopene which is an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants protect cells again free radicals which are molecules that are produced when your body breaks down food or exposure to damaging chemicals in the atmosphere. Free radicals are known to damage skin cells.

A wonderful benefit of using tomatoes when looking for How to Get Rid of a Zit overnight, is the fact that the nutrients in tomatoes work at a cellular level to tighten the pores of the skin. When using a tomato for a treatment it is recommended that only the pulp of the tomato be used. The pips and skin should be discarded. To remove the skin easily, simply place the tomato in boiled water for about five minutes and then peel. The skin will slide off.

Mash a tomato into a pulp and spread evenly over the affected skin. Cover all areas well as even if they do not have pimples, the tomato pulp will clean and tighten the pores, leaving a smoother, clearer skin. Leave the pulp on for 30-40 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. This treatment can be used regularly to clear an outbreak.

Use an astringent made up of the juice from one cucumber together with tomato pulp, strained to cleanse any dirt and excess oil left on your skin after washing. If you slice a cucumber and leave it in a bowl for about one hour and then squeeze them, you will get a great deal of cucumber juice. Apply to the skin with a cotton pad.

Two masques that work really well made with tomatoes are:

. Tomato pulp and yoghurt mixed together and spread over the skin. Leave for about 20 minutes before rinsing well with warm water.. Tomato pulp and avocado mixed and spread over the skin for 20 minutes will soothe irritated skin and leave it feeling hydrated, clear and fresh.If you have an allergic reaction to tomatoes, please do not try these remedies. If you see a difference with 48 hours you will know that you have found part of the solution to How to Get Rid of a Zit Overnight.

It is important to treat an acne condition internally as well. Drinking tomato juice first thing in the morning is a great way to help your system detoxify.If you suffer with How to Get Rid of a Zit Overnight, anything is worth a try so you have nothing to lose by giving tomatoes a good shot.

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