How To Get Rid Of A Stye

Article by Greg Ford

This article provides basic information, and a general overview, on how to get rid of a stye.

A stye of the eye is a fairly common problem that can occur, but before we can begin to understand how to get rid of a stye, we must first know just what it is.

The official medical term for a stye It is called a Hordeolum (pronounced HOR-dee-oh-lumm). If there are more than one of them present then the plural of the name is Hordeola. The common name we all call it by is usually misspelled. It is actually spelled Sty. However the majority of people will use stye.A stye is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands which is located near the base of the eyelashes. It is usually caused by a bacteria called staphylococcus.

A stye can look very similar to pimples, however it is located in a very sensitive part of the body and is recommended that a sty should never be squeezed or pierced like a pimple. The bacteria inside can spread over the entire eyelid and cause a even worse infection.

A stye will rarely affect your eyeball or your eyesight in any way. However, in some cases they can lead to severe infections of the face called cellulitis which can be very serious. This is a reason for not popping the stye as if you would a pimple.

A style will usually go away on it’s own and usually last about a week to 10 day period. If it last longer than this you should consider seeing a doctor who may prescribe some antibiotics.

But in the majority of cases it will heal and go away on it’s own. But there are some basic things you can do.Your main goal is to reduce the swelling, ease the pain, and moving the healing process along.

Here are a couple of tips:

Use a clean cloth to make a hot compress. This is a very simple, but effective treatment for how to get rid of a stye. Use a towel or face cloth. Soaked it in hot water to make a compress. The compress should feel comfortable. It should not be scalding hot. Hold it against your eyelid for 5 to 10 minutes. The goal is to warm the fluids trapped inside your stye. It will encourage them to drain away. Do this three or four times a day until the stye gets better.

Another good home remedy tip to help move the healing process along is tea bags. Tea bags are highly beneficial for how to get rid of a stye in the eye. Moisten the tea bag in warm water. Do not actually brew the tea. You are going to use the tea bag as a compress, just like tip 1, instead of the wash cloth. You can also use the tea bag as an eye patch. Just bandage the tea bag in place over the eye. Leave it on for 3-4 hours for faster relief.

About the Author

To get more information about How To Get Rid Of A Stye, including some home remedy tips, please visit Info USA1 at