Homemade Acne Remedies and a Few Words of Caution

Article by Dennis White

A visit to a skin specialist is always a good idea when you suffer from acne, but it can cost a lot of money. If you have to delay your visit to your dermatologist, here is what you can do…

You can prepare your own homemade acne remedies. Everybody can afford them, it will cost you under a dollar to make most of them, and they may even free you from acne!

Moreover, you can adjust you self-made remedies to your own skin, just add a little bit of what you feel is good for you as days go by and your skin reacts to treatment.

And, those remedies are non-aggressive, so no need to worry about the side effects that drug-based remedies often trigger.

And you know what? They are incredibly simple to make! Maybe you don’t believe me, maybe you think it will be a hassle to buy the ingredients, measure them, mix them precisely… Not so! Creating a super-efficient lotion is less time-consuming than going to the pharmacy, and making a wonderful cleanser takes as long as boiling water – literally!

But first, a word of warning:

True, many shop-bought remedies have alcohol in them. But you will also find some that boast about being alcohol-free! And for a good reason: alcohol damages your skin. NEVER use it in your home-made remedies. Alcohol destroys bacteria: of course there are some bacteria involved in acne that you may want to kill off, but a healthy skin is directly linked to the presence of GOOD bacteria. If you destroy those, you damage your skin.

In the old days, it was believed that killing off all germs was good, that’s why you can still buy all those alcohol-based products, but now we know better. The way to go is alcohol-free homemade acne remedies!

If you want to protect friendly, healthy bacteria, please use a good soap specifically developed for acne-plagued skins. I won’t go into the details here as it is complicated chemistry, but those soaps target BAD bacteria and protect your buddies, the GOOD bacteria.

Another thing that you must be attentive to is, of course, NOT to use anything you might be allergic to. When in doubt, ask your doctor.

Also important is: try to avoid touching your face with your fingers when using homemade acne remedies. You probably already know that if you’ve read other pages from this website: touching your face may worsen your condition.How so?

Well, what have your hands been in contact with in the last hour? Who has used this keyboard before you? Acne causes lesions, and many nasty germs could find their way from your hands into your body through those lesions. So ALWAYS wash your hands thoroughly before applying your homemade acne remedies onto your skin.

To finish with, bear in mind that you’ll be using active substances, not just some nice-looking, nice-smelling nothing. So please don’t just rub your whole face with the stuff as soon as it is ready. You’ll want to perform tests before, on a small area of sensitive skin, and watch out for abnormal reactions. The last thing you want is another skin problem, right?

If you follow this advice, you may find that you skin is looking better everyday, your pores are cleaning up and your acne is gradually fading!

Hale to homemade acne remedies!

About the Author

If you are looking for more skin care information please check out and read through my blog over at http://helpingwithacneproblems.blogspot.com/

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