Article by Peter Skonctueht

Suffering from acne is no easy ride for anyone. It can turn a friendly and outgoing person into a shy and retiring type who does not want anyone to see their skin. Acne can seriously affect a person’s well-being and this can be very serious. Anyone who is suffering from acne will, understandably be looking for hints on how to get rid of acne quickly. What follows are some hints that you can try that could banish your acne forever.

The first thing you need to know is that skin care products that contain oil are not good for acne. These will clog the skin and leave the pores is unable to breathe. Over time this can actually produce more acne, so make sure you avoid oil based products whenever you can.

Next you need to keep your hands away from your acne. It can be very tempting to play with your acne and pick and squeeze at the spots. Unfortunately doing this will cause scouring and make your acne flare up. It can even cause an infection or bleeding, so don’t do it.

Dermatological cream can also be used to reduce acne on the skin. Choose one that has a medical approval and you will be sure to be using a good cream. You may find these are quite costly, but they contain ingredients to reduce acne and they do work.

If your acne is very severe you may have an infection in your skin. To check this out you need to go to see your doctor. They will be able to check out your skin and see if there is an infection being harboured there. If an infection is found, your doctor can prescribe antibiotics which will treat the infection and reduce redness on your skin.

Remember that you need to still cleanse your face even if you have acne. Use skincare products that are very gentle as these will help to cleanse and protect your skin at the same time. They will not make your acne worse or cause any irritation to your skin. When using such products do not be tempted to scrub your acne, this will not help it in any way.

Anyone who uses the contraceptive pill may find that it makes their acne even worse. Rather than putting up with this you can discuss your contraceptive with your doctor and your concerns about your acne. Your doctor will be able to give you a different pill which should calm your acne down.

Facial scrubs can also make acne worse, so do not use a harsh scrub on your skin as you cannot get rid of acne this way. Doing this will only make your skin hurt and make your acne very red looking and sore.

Knowing a few hints on how to get rid of acne quickly can help you to make all the difference to your skin condition. Be positive and treat your skin with care and soon you will start to see a difference in your acne.
About the Author

Are you tired of all the attention acne draw to your face? Do you think that you spend too much time trying to get rid of it just to have it return? Stop driving yourself crazy and learn how to get rid of acne now! You can also learn how to get rid of pimples – the ins and outs.