Herbal Acne Remedy In Curing Pimples And Scars

Article by Jhon Napier

Pimple is a common form of acne. It is a problem that can lead to stubborn scars and disfiguring of the skin. Hyperactive oil glands located at the base of a hair follicle produce huge amounts of sebum that collects within a tiny skin lesion. In course of time acne bacteria attack the lesions and infect them. As a result of the infection the lesion and the skin around the lesion become inflamed and pus-filled and a pimple takes its full shape. The scarring caused by pimples may take a toll on the person’s self-confidence. A pimple is also differently called a pustule or zit. Pimple is a very distinct acne form and pimples occur mostly in regions like face, shoulders, chest and back. The various causes of pimples may be listed as follows: Hormonal influx, Heredity, Stress, Menstruation, Pregnancy, Constipation, Contraceptive pills, Greasy cosmetics and Eating of junk food.

The TV commercials advertise many pimple curing products and make tall promises regarding their curative power. But the reality is that very few of them really work. If you want to get rid of pimples and scars and want to prevent them from coming back, make use of herbal acne remedy patiently. What is natural should be treated by what nature gives us. Our skin especially responds very much to the natural herbs because they are effective in treating any skin problem, be it pimples or pimple scars. Herbal acne remedy is harmless because it comes free from side-effects. Herbs can be used on a long term basis for treating acne. Herbal acne remedy, no doubt can prove quite effective in curing pimples and scars.

Given below are few forms of herbal acne remedy:

1. Intake of Milk Thistle seeds can cure acne. The Phyto-chemicals contained in milk thistle eliminate excess hormones, toxins and allergens from your body and give you a healthy flawless skin.

2. St John’s Wort stimulates the production of P450, a liver enzyme which cleanses the body of excess hormones like testosterone and progesterone. This reduces acne break-outs miraculously.

3. Gotu kola is an herb that promotes wound and tissue healing. Gotu kola checks collagen formation, triggers micro circulation in the acne affected skin and thus puts an end to the risk of scarring.

4. Tea tree oil is another good herbal acne remedy. It is a volatile oil that destroys acne causing bacteria and heals the skin.

5. The succulent herb Aloe Vera is famous for its medicinal properties. Aloe sap destroys acne bacteria and lessens acne-related skin inflammation and pain.

So these are the various herbal acne remedies.

About the Author

Read about Acne Herbal Treatment. Also know Herbal Blood Purifier. Read about effective Natural Acne Treatment.

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