Great Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Article by Caizechong

Acne is one of those unfortunate things which you are unable to prevent. It appears and spoils your days and nights. The tragedy does not end here. Adult acne typically is treated using commercial acne creams, toners and lotions that contain chemicals that dry up and eliminate acne. Although these products can remove adult acne from the face, they also can cause redness, peeling, irritation and dryness. Instead of chemical products, try using natural treatments to eliminate acne.

1. Skin cleansing. Cleaning the skin with an cleansing solution specifically designed for acne and blackheads can work wonders, and guarantees that your pores are open

2. Urine therapy has been used all over the world for centuries for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema and illnesses of all kinds. Although it may seem like a waste product, urine is actually completely sterile and full of vitamins, hormones and enzymes. Urine, when applied to the skin, can reduce redness and irritation and deliver nutrients and hormones to the skin that can help to clear it. To use urine on the skin, catch the first morning’s urine in a bowl and soak a cotton pad in it. Apply the pad to the skin, allowing it to stay there for around 15 minutes. You can either let the urine dry or rinse it off with water.

3. Make sure you wash your face properly every single morning and night. This helps to prevent oil build up on your face which ends up causing acne, also after you eat wash your hands and wash your face again, even certain foods we eat can contribute to acne build up. Not only certain foods we eat but after we eat we may scratch our face, touch it, rub our eyes etc. By doing this we are spreading oils and bacteria from our hands to our face that will cause an acne outbreak.

4. Acne is caused and aggravated by the build of oil and dirt beneath the skin. To draw out the impurities and lessen acne, using an astringent is encouraged. And cooked portion of oatmeal can certainly serve this purpose. Mix your regular oats together with warm water and make a thick paste. Apply the paste onto the affected parts and allow it to remain on for approximately 10 to 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. This effortless mask will draw up the impurities lurking under the skin and minimize irritation.

5. I know sometimes people have no time through out the day, but when you can on a daily basis steam your face with salt water using a large bowl, salt is great for dealing with acne and has proven to effectively slow down acne spread. This method alone has to be one of the best ways on how to get rid of acne naturally.

6. To be able to get rid of acne triggering bacteria use the natural antiseptic purifying of grapefruit extract combined with drinking water that’s applied using a cotton ball to the infected region at least twice on a daily basis. To be able to clean out your skins pores and create a neutral pH which is not conducive to acne, apply either lemon juice, or apply cider vinegar to clean skin with a cotton ball. To enhance recovery of the acne scars and decrease infection and future infection, you can use Aloe Vera juicein the morning and also at night time as you cleanse your face.

About the Author

Author is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. Click read more on acne treatment, eczema treatment.

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