Getting Rid of Acne Naturally

Article by Michelle Livingston

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that a lot of people (especially the teens) are suffering with. Getting rid of acne naturally is always a hot topic not only because acne is so common, but also because it can really deliver a blow to a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Because acne most commonly rears its ugly head during a critical period for human social development, treatment is important. Acne is a reddening, swelling, and painful skin condition that looks like pimples clustered together. It can lead to bleeding if perforation occurs, and painful pus formation. There are literally hundreds of treatment products on grocery store shelves today, each claiming to be the next best thing. As consumer interest in natural and non-chemical products is on the rise, a number of companies and groups are suggesting natural treatment. Unfortunately natural acne treatment just doesn’t cut the mustard, and given the extreme psychological effects of acne, it’s a good idea to try getting rid of acne with the most powerful and effective products you can find.

So Why Getting Rid of Acne Naturally Does Not Work?

Though natural acne treatments have few side effects, if any, this doesn’t automatically mean that they are effective. If you are wondering why, here are some reasons why getting rid of acne naturally doesn’t work:

Getting rid of acne naturally is only effective if the acne is not yet at its worst. If you can catch it at an early stage (which is quite difficult to do) you can certainly try a natural treatment. As acne spreads, though, and the bacteria behind the outbreak build up into huge and resistant colonies, getting rid of acne needs to become the priority.

Although bacteria cause acne, there can certainly be genetic contributing factors. That means if you’re parents and your other relatives suffered from acne when they were younger, the acne that you are suffering from now may be due to genetics. If that is the case natural treatment options rarely work. Even if you keep your skin as clean as possible acne can still proliferate, so if you’re serious about getting rid of acne, you’ll need to pull out all of the stops – you’re fighting bacteria and genetics, here!

Natural remedies are too gentle. We all love our skin, and want treat it well, but when it comes to acne treatment, you’re waging a war against a very resistant bacteria. Even if you manage to minimally control outbreaks with a natural treatment, the underlying cause will never be completely eradicated unless you hit is HARD. Getting rid of acne naturally just does not cut it, so you need to find the best treatments for the job.

A lot of people may claim that natural remedies worked for them, but before you believe in what they say you have to keep in mind that not all skin types are the same. What may be effective for them may not be effective for you, so if you want to make sure that you’re truly getting rid of acne; it’s a good idea to turn to acne treatment options that are proven to be effective before you experiment on natural remedies.

Many natural treatment products are not manufactured to the same standards as the more mainstream acne treatment options. Some of these products for getting rid of acne may themselves harbor harmful bacteria. With treatment, it’s always better safe than sorry!

About the Author

Michelle Livingston is an expert on health products including Acne Treatments and Acne Fighting Products. If you have enjoyed reading this article about Getting Rid of Acne Naturally, please visit her blog at to read more articles and learn more information about the Best Acne Treatments!