For a Proven Acne Remedy, Look for Benzoyl Peroxide

Article by Jeff D McQueen

It’s something a whopping eight out of ten people can relate to; searching the local mall for an acne remedy that will actually work for them. Pimples, blemishes, spots, whatever you choose to call them, these red lesions are a nightmare for teenagers and a cause of low self esteem for many through their adolescence. What makes it even worse is that acne hits in the most noticeable of places; the face, neck, upper chest and back, at a time when teens are already self conscious about their looks and appearance.

How does a benzoyl peroxide acne remedy work? – Treatments can be broken down into four specific categories; antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hormonal regulation treatments and treatments that attempt to regulate the shedding of dead skin cells into the pores. Some successful treatments will use a combination of these methods; however combined treatments generally increase the chances of side effects.

One agent proven to be effective in the treatment of mild acne is benzoyl peroxide, the active agent found in many over the counter remedies. Benzoyl peroxide works as an antibacterial to rid the pores of propionibacteria acnes (p.acnes), the bacteria that cause acne breakouts. These bacteria are relatively harmless in oxygenated areas, though when pores become clogged and deprived of oxygen which lets acnes thrive, causing outbreaks of pimples and blotches.

One of the key aspects of benzoyl peroxide as an acne remedy is that it’s a powerful oxidant. When applied, it can penetrate deep into the pores and act quickly on p.acnes, which can’t survive in the oxygen rich setting. The other upside to the properties of benzoyl peroxide is that due to the nature of how it works germs cannot build a resistance against it as they can with other antibacterial agents.

Benzoyl is also highly efficient in removing the dead skin cells that plug the pores. Once pores are unclogged, oils and fluids that were backing up and causing the inflammation will release, easing the discomfort and appearance of acne. With continued use, reoccurrences of acne breakouts can be lessened.

Disadvantages of benzoyl peroxide as an acne remedy – Unfortunately, as efficient as it is with clearing dead skin cells from pores, benzoyl peroxide can be just as efficient at harming the healthy living cells it comes in contact with. The side effects associated are often redness, itchiness, flaking and dryness of the skin. These side effects, when present, are frequently minor to mild at best, and with persisted use the skin will usually become more accustomed to the peroxide within a relatively short space of time. Complementing the acne remedy with an oil free moisturizer can also lessen the unwanted side effects.

When looking for a proven acne remedy, money and time can be saved by going to a benzoyl peroxide based product. As an acne remedy, benzoyl peroxide has stood the test of time and the market leading brands will revolve around it for many years to come.

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