Are you sick and tired of your pimples? Would you like to know how to rid zits once and for all? Well, there is real help. You will become zit free and have the skin that you always wanted! I will give you some helpful tips that will help you eliminate your zits and keep them from coming back.

1. Drink lots of water! Drinking lots of water will flush your body and skin of gross toxins and other wastes. Water has been proven to keep your skin hydrated. I suggest you drink AT LEAST 10 cups a day. Also, stop (or cut down) on the soft drinks. All the extra sugars and chemicals are guaranteed to make your pimples worse.

2. Do Not Pop! Most people think that popping your pimples will make them go away quicker. This is not true. Popping your zits can possibly lead to infections and even cause acne scars. The best thing you can do if you have a ripe pimple is to put a washcloth with warm water on your face.

3. Wash your face twice a day. Wash gently and avoid scrubbing your face. The point here is to get rid of all of the dirt and some of the oils on your face. However, you need to make sure that you do not over wash your face. This can lead to an opposite affect and can cause even more acne. If you eliminate all the natural oils off your face too often, your body will make and abundance of oils on your face and cause even more zits.

4. Eat clean. This is the number 1 cause of zits. Learning what to eat will have the biggest impact on your acne problems. You need to eat clean, and what I mean by this is that you need to stay away from as many preservatives, and chemicals as possible. Stay away from fast food, pre-prepped and canned food, and soft drinks. Read the ingredients label and if its full of chemicals, than pickup something else…like fruits, veggies, or meat!

5. Exercise. Getting your blood moving helps flush your body of the unwanted toxins.

There are lots more detailed and helpful tips to being zit free. However, since I am limited on space in this article, you need to go check out my YouTube videos and learn How To Rid Pimples without drugs and creams by visiting my youtube channel here