Can This Natural Acne Remedy Beat Acne Genes?

Article by Eric Kirby

Many people with acne have heard that bad genetics have created their skin problems. And the only option open to you is to resign yourself to acne being a part of your life. Is there the possibility that genetics as a cause of acne is overused? Fortunately, using a natural acne remedy can be quite effective for treating genetically caused acne and I’ll prove it to you.First off, rest assured that genetic heritage is not the primary factor that determines acne. It is vital that you remain open minded to natural acne remedy alternatives even if you feel a bit resistant to the idea while reading this, as it may be against everything you’ve been told.Although this is usually the exception rather than the rule, some unlucky individuals can blame their acne problems on heredity and ANY natural acne remedy will not work. However, it is very likely that you will not be one of them. You are probably in the 90 percentile group of those people whose acne problems can easily be resolved with a natural acne remedy that, unfortunately, was virtually ignored for the past few decades.Prior to my introduction of proving the point, allow me to quote some studies supporting this natural acne remedy.According to a report from the Archives of Dermatology, there were no reported instances of active acne among a group of 115 Ache hunter-gatherers of Paraguay and 1200 Kitavan Islanders of Papua New Guinea for a period of two years. The number includes a little over three hundred teenagers as well as young adults between the ages of fifteen and twenty five years of age. Commonly these people have a similar diet to each other and the lack of Western foods in their eating habits. They consist of food that is not high in fat or glycemic. The researchers stated:”High glycemic loads in the diets of western cultures triggers a “hormonal cascade” including elevation of serum free insulin like growth factor 1,may exacerbate acne by inducing both acute and chronic insulin excess. IGF-1May stimulate follicle growth– a potent mitogen.Although the acne-free Kitavan and Ache both have excessive sensitivity to insulin, this becomes evident by the nominal serum concentrations of insulin However the people in this category have not used benzoyl peroxide washes nor have they swallowed harmful prescription drugs while maintaining clear skin.One study showed that by eating a healthy diet the Intuit Eskimo’s did not suffer from acne, but after adding some of the more traditional Western foods they had about the same quantity of acne cases as other Western Societies. The introduction of Western foods caused a higher rate of acne has been noted in many non-Western populations including the Indians of Peru, the Bantu of South Africa and even the Japanese. Is the pattern becoming apparent?Most people will blame their acne solely on genetics. But as you can see, it’s obvious that diets lacking in certain nutrients in are the main cause of acne. Is salicylic acid making your skin peel? Are the side effects worth it to get rid of the acne? In many foreign countries throughout the world people used this natural acne remedy to maintain clear skin… The “natural acne remedy” is becoming easier to recognize isn’t it? Get rid of your new and ineffective acne products, and change your food choices to reflect an anti-acne diet! That’s the most effective natural acne remedy of all. You’re probably wondering which foods contain the most nutrients that act as a natural acne remedy. Some of the most common foods the groups of people eat are fish, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Their diet also lacks white bread, pastries, and sugary drinks. If you can follow these general guidelines, you should be fine.Start putting more anti-acne nutrients and watch your acne melt away.

About the Author

Eric Kirby writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.