The reply for the burning question “can honey really cure acne?” is yes. Even though it depends on how horrible your acne really is, the honey can really do incredible things for your skin due to it’s highly effective anti-bacterial components.

What is the Culprit behind Acne?

Acne evolves when skin pores become clogged. The oily substance that is secreted by the sebaceous gland known as sebum is the principal cause of the blackheads, pimples, whiteheads and other signs and symptoms of acne that rob us of our clear and beautiful skin. Teenagers are the ones mostly impacted by acne due to the hormonal changes brought on by puberty which increases sebum production, but the major concern arise after the sebum clogged pores gets infected by foreign matter. Bacteria Stuck in clogged pores can transform a whitehead or blackhead into a puss filled pimple.

The Anti-bacterial And Antiseptic Properties Of Honey

Acne can be cured by honey due to the antiseptic and antibacterial qualities of the honey. Honey comprises an natural acid and it slowly releases hydrogen peroxide. This also speaks about honey being used as a topical remedy for burn and cuts for a long while now. Although since the discovery of antibiotics honey is no longer used to treat cuts and burns, it is still one of the ideal natural means for treating mild to severe acne.

Using Sticky Honey To Get Your Pores Clean

There are a lot of pharmaceutical goods on the market that incorporates the useful effects of honey. This is because honey really can create a cosmetic impact, not least because of its sticky quality. What the honey does is to get inside of your pores and adhere to the dirt that As a result gets eliminated once the honey is washed off.

 Organic or Medicinal Honey

When searching for the suitable honey to use to deal with acne it’s ideal to forgo the generic brands that frequently come packaged in bear shaped squeeze bottles and search out organic and unprocessed honey instead. The difficulty with the table honeys you’ll find in most grocery stores is that the steam heat processing this honey undergoes destroys the enzymes that can create the natural peroxide in organic honey.

Apply the Honey to your Face

After you have found the best sort of honey, you can that apply it to your face by gently massaging it into your pores with your finger tips. The honey can then stay on your face for about 10-15 minutes and then you can wash it off with some warm water. Once you have followed this method on a daily basis for about a week, you should see some major improvements in your acne condition. Bare in mind that results may very from one person to the next and if your acne is very severe, its best to seek out help from a medical professional.

Treating acne with natural and organic honey is a good way to approach skin care with little attendant risks. You can get organic honey either online or in your local grocery stores. Tasting a little nip of honey once you’re finished taking care of your skin is not entirely frowned upon either. So, if you are still wondering about the question, “can honey really cure acne?” consider trying this Acne Cure the next time you have an outbreak.