Acne Remedy Has Proved To Heal Acne

Article by Ellen Dilga

Have you ever tried using an acne remedy? It’s quite normal that adolescents’ oil-secreting glands go into overdrive during puberty. The output is more or less of pimples and blackheads on the skin and in most cases on the facial skin but also on the shoulders and back.

Since this is a temporary condition we shall not over-dramatize it, though for a teenager it can be felt very inappropriate to appear at the senior prom with the face full of huge, nasty nipples. Before we fully understood the nature of acne, we believed that it was a result of eating foods like for example, candy and French fries, two of the most common ingredients of a teenager’s meal plan. Today we know better. Acne is caused by normal oil glad secretions taking place in the puberty and the number of pimples is to a large extent determined by heredity and stress rather than food. In most cases acne reacts well to treatment with prescription free products that control and dry oil secretions. Cystic acne however, is something else since it is the severe form of this condition and can cause serious aberrations and scaring of the face. Dermatologists are normally treating this condition with special cleansing products and antibiotics. The major part of these products contain alcohol or witch hazel or both which sting the skin and make it dry, red and full of pain.

Great alternatives are natural remedies:

– They don’t cause pain,- They are effective but safe- They don’t cause irritated skin and peeling

Experience has shown that modern natural healers can treat skin problems successfully using the knowledge and skills of ancient ancestors’ teaching and demonstrating.

Would an Acne Remedy Be Something For You?

There is a big chance that natural acne remedies will prove to be efficient and safe to use when prepared by a clever practitioner and used the correct way. Finding the right combination of natural herbal substances for a certain person is the key to successful treatment.

Every natural remedy for acne contains

– a base- a combination of skin soothing plant, herb derivatives and oil control.

The ingredient of the base is usually hydrosol. This is distilled water infused with the essence of herbs and leaves of plants after having been steamed. Then a blend of pure therapeutic-grade essential oils is added to the base. This seems weird for most people; the use of an oil to control oil. Pure essential oils don’t clog the skin’s pores as the skin’s natural oils do, so they don’t cause pimples and blackheads, although they are used in very small quantities.

The preferred essential oils for acne control are

– burdock root, – blackcurrant oil, – calendula, – borage oil, – chamomile, – lavender, – red clover – evening primrose oil.

Natural skin lotions, make-up removers, cleansers and toners can all be formulated to control acne. In addition, a hydrosol base consisting of rose, aloe, sandalwood, lavender or chamomile substitutes alcohol and witch hazel.

Lavender is preferred by many practitioners as a general natural acne remedy because it is the only essential oil that can be used on the skin undiluted by a hydrosol.

Lots of people worldwide have reported that natural health remedies like for example acne remedy, have worked effectively for their conditions. There are natural remedies that can give relief from pain for instance pain from arthritis or other ailments. The only way to know if they work for you is to try them.

About the Author

Dr. Ellen Dilga is a publisher of articles on alternative medicine. Check out her website to learn more.

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