Acne Remedy — Home Acne Treatment To End Your Acne Worries

Article by Ingrid Lihan

To achieve a true acne remedy, a number of factors can come into play. The acne sufferer will often begin acne treatment by using natural remedies. If successful, more stringent and expensive remedies will be unneeded.

When an individual is looking for an acne remedy, it is fairly common to progress through the available home acne treatment before moving up to more specialized options. Even if the remedies are carried out at home, the acne sufferer should consult with a dermatologist for diagnosis and a recommended course of treatment before commencing. Not all blemishes are acne, and only the dermatologist can identify the cause and preferred treatment options for the condition. Under the doctor’s care, some or all of the home treatments for acne are certain to assist in improving the appearance of the skin and preventing return of the eruptions.

Salicylic acid cleanser

A salicylic acid cleanser is an important component in an acne remedy. You can use this product as part of a program that includes cleansing of the skin. Using salicylic acid as a cleansing agent. You can find these products by checking the label. Salicylic acid is chemically related to and reacts similarly to the effective compounds found in aspirin. The ingredient is found as part of the inner bark of the willow tree. It is found in many skin care products. It works by causing the skin cells to shed off more readily so that the pores don’t clog. This allows the new cells to have room to grow.

Avoid scrubbing

Acne blemishes do not require rough scrubbing of the skin in order to reduce the size and number of imperfections. In fact, scrubbing irritates the outer layer of the skin even further and may lead to open lesions which lead to infection. Contrary to popular belief, scrubbing does not break up the bacteria and sebum pockets in and around the follicle. The best acne treatment to reduce the size of the lesions and the frequency of them is to treat with topical creams and lotions containing vitamin A based products. Acne is not a disease caused by dirt

Use a mild soap

Cleansing of acne challenged skin is important even though just cleansing the skin won’t provide a complete acne remedy for the person fighting for clear skin. Try wetting your face with warm water and then using a mild soap to gently work up a lather. A light circular motion with the tips of the fingers will provide cleansing plus a mild massage. Stimulation of the blood flow to the area will help to fight the bacteria as well. Be sure to rinse all remnants of the soap from the skin in order to prevent drying.

Smooth on benzoyl peroxide lotion

The final step in the acne remedy during the home acne treatment is to smooth on benzoyl peroxide lotion. The lotion is great for moisturizing the skin without that greasy feeling that is so unpleasant. The benzoyl peroxide lotion continues to fight the growth of bacteria on your skin throughout the entire day. The softening qualities of the lotion help to reduce that tight and painful feeling of the skin while fighting the bacteria that are a contributing factor to acne.

About the Author

For additional hints and suggestions on the Acne Remedy sector of the market for acne treatment, be sure to visit the web site at to get more information solve your acne problem fast.

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