Acne Remedy – 4 Tips For Natural Choices

Article by Ingrid Lihan

An acne remedy that relies on natural products is a plus for many people who suffer from the skin condition. There are many effective remedies that don’t rely on chemical treatments.

Anyone looking for an acne remedy has the choice of using prescription remedies or taking advantage of the natural choices that are available. However, there are also natural choices that can be worked at the same time as the more typical prescription medications produced for the control of acne symptoms. The types of natural choices that are available include herbs and teas the can be taken internally, topical creams and ointments for treating the lesions, skin care that prevents further skin damage, and help by proper nutrition and plenty of water.

Herbal Topical remedies

An acne remedy that has an herbal base has meant using many different products over the years. For example, a concoction of Tea Tree Oil, Bee Propolis, Essential Oil of Peppermint, Essential Oil of Clove applied topically can be a great antiseptic, anti fungal and antibiotic. The goal of topical remedies is to keep the skin clean and soft without further damaging already stressed skin, due to the ravages of the acne condition itself. Other natural ingredients that are often used to improve the skin that has been compromised by acne include Vitamin E, burdock, and strawberry leaves. Herbal topicals are used to cleanse and soften the skin.

Internal remedies

An internal acne remedy may be a little more unusual and difficult to find, but are available and are even more effective when used in combination with prescription medications. Natural remedies usually work because they are designed to adjust the chemical and hormonal imbalance that causes the body to react with acne flare-ups. Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne that can be helped by way of the herbal route. Herbal pills are designed to treat the acne from the body’s inside rather than the outside to calm, adjust and desensitize the problem areas.

Skin Care

Regardless of the acne remedy that you choose, care of the skin when you are plagued by acne zits, lesions, redness and swelling is absolutely vital to physical and emotional well being. Natural choices can be selected that are gentle in nature, that soothe the skin while performing the gentle yet effective cleansing that is so important as a component of total acne treatment. Regardless of the choices made, keep in mind that natural choices are available for most of the problems associated with the skin issues of acne problems. Look for gentle cleansing, mild antiseptic action and no heavy pore clogging ingredients such as heavy oil.

Nutrition and water

Although these two acne remedy choices are the originals, they are probably the most discounted remedy available for acne sufferers. Nutrition is important for the general health as well as more specific treatment for acne symptoms. If you pay attention to the guidelines for appropriate nutrition you will be healthier over all and that will help your body fight the condition. Water is another often overlooked natural acne remedy. Water used internally will improve your circulatory and digestive systems. Of course, externally water cleanses and helps to soothe the skin especially if combined with other herbal and natural choices.

About the Author

It is important to consider an Acne Remedy that works for your lifestyle. Visit to learn more about natural remedies for acne.