A Natural Acne Remedy – The Holistic Approach

Article by Ken Stephens

If you DO NOT suffer from some type of acne, chances are that you know someone WHO DOES. Millions of us have one form or another of acne. Be it the common teenage variety that most of us have had to deal with at some point in our lives to the rarer forms of adult acne, we all know the aggravating, humiliating and even emotionally depressing toll that acne can take from us. What is worse, a lot of acne remedies on the market today don’t even treat the root causes of most common acne types. If you are tired of medications and drugs that don’t work and are looking for natural acne remedies that have been proven effective then rest assured that there is a holistic system designed to provide permanent relief of your acne problem.Treating the underlying causes of acne, not just the symptoms, is crucial to eliminating acne and achieving clear skin. Of course, achieving the internal balance necessary in remedying acne is in large part a function of our diet and nutrition. The misconception that diet has no affect on acne is based on conclusions drawn from flawed studies that were performed over 30 years ago and have since been debunked by more recent clinical trials and research studies. The myth that what you put in your mouth (and thus your body) does not affect your skin complexion is nonsense. The food you eat is now thought to be one of the leading factors which affects the process of eliminating toxins from your body that can cause and aggravate your acne. Some examples of foods that can trigger and inflame acne are: milk, sugar, and hydrogenated oils (trans fat). Some beneficial foods are: leafy greens, nuts, and essential fatty acids (fish oils – omega3).

Have you ever asked yourself why some people get acne and others seem to be totally immune to it? It’s a fact that the acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) occurs in everyone, but it does not cause everyone to get acne does it? Just like many of the bacteria that lives in our body, if it is kept in balance it will go about it’s business without bothering us. Our bodies are in many respects like a machine and if one part of that machine is “out of whack” then other parts of that machine may not function properly.

It is in this way acne may form. Acne is caused by an over production of sebum on the skin. Sebum is an oil secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin and acne bacteria flourish in it. But it is only when an excessive amount of this oil is formed that acne gets to be a problem and the excessive sebum is mainly caused by a hormonal imbalance. Do you see where this is going? The acne bacteria IS NOT the underlying problem. The hormonal imbalance IS. So using medicated creams and lotions will only treat the symptoms, not what is really causing the problem. To eradicate acne we need to treat the underlying problem systematically, holistically, to return the body to it’s overall balance and get it back into proper working order.

Natural remedies for acne may not be the quick fix that most of us are seeking when we want relief from our reoccurring acne problem. In fact it may take a few weeks to see results, but a holistic system is the best way to completely get rid of problem acne. In fact, a natural holistic system results in the best remedy for curing all types of acne whether you are a teen or an adult. In this day and age of quick fix medications which often don’t fix anything, if you decide to choose a holistic approach to remedy your acne problem, just be prepared for surprising and pleasant results.

About the Author

For more info about a natural acne remedy using whole body holistics go to: “Acne No More” – There you will find the best selling ebook “Acne No More – Open The Door To An Acne Free Life” written by Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and best selling author.

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