6 Fastest Way to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

Article by Caizechong

Acne is a common skin disease, which affects the skin with densest population of sebaceous follicles. The areas, which are often affected by acne are the face, upper part of back and chest. Today, there are numerous types of acne products available on the market, but there are also many natural remedies and solutions that can easily be done at home.

1. There is some evidence that a potassium deficiency can lead to acne breakouts, so try eating foods high in potassium such as bananas, milk, spinach, strawberries, watermelon, and carrots. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and it will give your immune system a boost. If you chose to take any of these as a supplement, be sure to follow the package’s directions.

2. Lot of us have the habit of touching our face very often. You may want to refrain from touching your face very often. Touching your face often will cause dirt and bacteria from the hands to be transferred onto your skin and cause acne. For acne prevention, this is measure is very important.

3. Witch hazel. It is recommended washing your face every day with this cleanser. This is an astringent and will help dry the skin and also shrink pimples.

4. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil onto the hands, and rub them together to distribute the oils evenly. Massage the oils onto the skin for 1 minute, then wipe away the excess oil with a washcloth. Olive oil will not clog the pores, and will add moisture to the skin so that the skin will not overproduce oils, thereby causing acne.

5. Tea tree oil has shown some promise as an acne solution. It can be found in many stores in the supplement section or it can be ordered online. You use it as a spot treatment. Take a cotton ball and put a few drops of tea tree oil on it and then apply directly to the blemish. Tea tree oil does not smell good, but many people have reported success with its use.

6. One of the measures, which you should take to get rid of acne is to maintain good hygiene. If good hygiene is not practiced, the dirt and excess oil accumulation will cause and aggravate the condition. At the same time, it also does not mean, that the skin is scrubbed and the problem is aggravated. The skin should be cleansed twice a day with a cleanser for acne affected skin. Make it a point to wash your face before going to bed. If you use make up, then you will want to remove all the make up before going to bed, as acne control measure.

About the Author

Author is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. Click read more on acne treatment, natural ways to get rid of acne.

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