5 Great Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Article by Caizechong

Although there are numerous ways of treating acne, there are also a number of ways in which you can treat acne on your own. You may consider simple remedies at home like consuming vitamins, keeping the body clean, maintaining proper diets and washing your face regularly.

These fruits can also be highly effective in reducing the impact of pimples or zits. Just make a paste of the leaves of mint or strawberries and apply them to the pimples on your face.

honey has antibacterial properties and it can build your immune system when eaten. You can also apply it on your acne to help kill the bacteria and accelerate the healing. Manuka honey has an UMF and the higher it is the better quality it is.

Another home remedy suggested is consuming vitamins, as these are helpful in controlling acne breakouts. These vitamins act as a dual shield and manage the antibacterial vitamins and the body toxins, and are a great treatment for acne at home. Vitamins A, B, C, E, zinc and chromium are the most beneficial and recommended as home remedies for acne.

Honey is a natural antibiotic. Meaning that naturally, nothing (and I mean nothing) can live in it. Ancient Egyptians used honey for first aid. They would put it on a wound, and because nothing lives in it, they didn’t have to worry about it getting infected. Now, how does this apply to making a face mask you ask? Great question, read on!

If you think sleeping habit does not play a part in curing acne, you are dead wrong. Acne occurs easily when you lack rest or sleep. It is due to the hormonal changes in the body whenever you slept late. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and sleep before 12 am. Your body repairs itself the best during 10 pm to 12am. So sleeping later than this timing can affect the recovery rate of your body.

Avoid wearing form-fitting clothes that trap heat and moisture, and promptly change into fresh clothes if you have been sweating heavily. If possible, try to refrain from wearing sports helmets, hats, backpacks, and tight collars. Experts also advise people who are seriously looking to get rid of acne to cut on sugar intake or stop cold turkey. This is because sugar will do more harm than good. It will promote the development of acne and you can replace it with honey or molasses. Artificial sweeteners are also notorious and might derail your efforts to be acne-free. Therefore, take the bold step and start to see the difference.

About the Author

Author is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. Click read more on acne solutions, Tea Tree Oil Acne, Argan Oil For Acne.

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